Ayo the Clown Review (Switch eShop)


Ayo the Clown is a rarity; a pure 2.5D platformer set in bite-sized linear scenarios. It owes many of its core gameplay ideas to classic Mario titles, and draws quite explicitly from various entries in the Yoshi series, with cute character design, levels that promote exploration and verticality, and a host of of enemies and obstacles to stop your progress. . With fairly simple graphics and a kid-friendly presentation, Ayo the Clown would be pretty easy to dismiss, but the gameplay here is pleasantly tight, making it a great accessible alternative to a Yoshi platformer.

The story begins with Ayo and her beloved dog sleeping peacefully, before the clown abruptly awakens to discover that his best friend has mysteriously disappeared. It’s a simple story, to be sure, but one that properly drives the narrative to the end. As you progress through the levels, you will come across a variety of friendly NPCS, some of whom ask Ayo to help them, and others offer new abilities for you to use.

In the initial stages of the adventure, Ayo does not have most of her signature moves; the poor clown can’t even jump until the shoemaker fixes his jumping shoes. However, as he progresses, he will gain more abilities, including using a balloon to reach higher ground and a headbutt ability that allows Ayo to jump and hit the ground, defeating enemies and smashing obstacles in the process. very stylish. from Mario’s green dinosaur friend. Sometimes some movements can be a bit difficult to perform; the balloon, for example, can be difficult to maneuver in tighter spaces.

The level design is particularly strong here; there are plenty of opportunities to explore, but the game never allows you to get too far away to get lost. It’s an incredibly accessible title, in that sense; almost anyone can play Ayo the Clown and enjoy their time with him. Those who want a little more challenge can increase the difficulty, adding more enemies and obstacles to the mix, while those who want a slightly smoother experience can reduce it, improving Ayo’s health and eliminating certain dangers.

Regardless of the difficulty you choose, we can’t help but wish the game was just a touch more challenging at certain points. It has all the makings of a good platformer, including some decent boss battles and even a section where you jump into a tank and wreak havoc on any poor fool who stands in your way. However, it goes without saying that it is a bit easy to complete, and the only other way to increase the difficulty is to go back and collect all the optional items found around each level.

Despite the lack of a real challenge, Ayo the Clown is nevertheless a good alternative to the usual platformer games on the Switch. It has a wonderful and uplifting soundtrack, with various melodies that you will hum long after completing the game. Of course, if you’re a coulrophobic and the mere thought of playing a game with a clown makes you break out in a cold sweat, then you may want to steer clear. However, for everyone else, this is worth acquiring if you are a fan of light-hearted and fun platformers.
