How a tragic murder inspired GBA Classic Golden Sun’s epic retelling


Golden Sun Dub Project
Image: Memories productions

the Golden Sun The series may have been inactive since the release of Dark dawn on the Nintendo DS, but it’s a franchise that nonetheless has a passionate fanbase, and one man’s love for the original GBA game has resulted in a very special tribute.

Bryson Elam, known online as Wing Adept, is the guiding light behind the ambitious Project ‘Golden Sun Broken Seal Director’s Cut’, which he describes as “a retelling of the first game, with voice acting, salvaged music, as well as custom illustrations and animations, to help expand the game.”

In recent years, Elam has assembled a team of talented artists and voice actors (including Mike pollock, who voiced Dr. Eggman in the Sonic animated series and Brandy Kopp, Lady Palutena’s voice in Smash Bros.) to embellish the story of the 2001 JRPG epic, which, incidentally, turned 20 earlier this month.

However, his desire for the project to take off was inspired by more than just an affection for the game itself; For Elam, Golden Sun has a much deeper and more meaningful connection: it is his way of connecting with the memory of his late friend, Fabián González.

At this point, we will allow Elam to explain:

Fabian and I knew each other from an early age, both of our mothers were single mothers and, at that time, they were working for the United States Army. Our friendship would grow into an unbreakable bond over the years, jokingly calling us the Mario Bros. As for Golden Sun, I got the game for Christmas that year, but was disappointed at first, hoping for another game. However, Fabian advised me to at least try the game. From there, Golden Sun became my front door RPG, it became not only my first, but also my favorite. His importance evolved over the years, it signified the bond he had with him. As we got older, we both went our separate ways; he would join the Air Force while I was going to college, but we both promised to work on a special voiceover project for the show once we met again. Sadly, before we had a chance to get started, he was killed while visiting his family. I was 21 years old.

As someone who has had to move from one place to another, I never had the opportunity to make many friends. And Fabian’s death left me completely devastated since he was the only person in the world who knew me best. However, I decided to honor his memory by keeping our promise alive. Going into this, I wanted to make this project special. But I was faced with a daunting task, with factors like: similar projects carried out by more established groups, along with my limited skill set, experience, and resources. He knew this was too big for one person to handle alone.

Fortunately, he would join forces with another passionate fan of the series named Jazz, who had previously contributed to a large project related to the series through the Golden Sun Abridged Series. Together, we were able to bring together a small group of voice actors and artists and, with their help, we would have a platform to show our work through Memories productions (a more appropriate name, all things considered).

What started with seven voice actors suddenly became ten. Then 20; now, the project has more than 50 announcers (including professional high-profile actors) along with several musicians and a team of artists and entertainers. However, with this increased support, I felt an internal pressure to outgrow myself, not primarily because of myself, but because of the simple fact that I wanted this project to be something that people could look back on years later and have a sense of pride in. To be part. Of something so great
