Company creates virtual Anime-YouTuberin – They are now selling art as NFT for 1000 € each

Probably the most famous VTuber in the world, Kizune AI, announces in a new video that she wants to create NFTs. But what is it anyway and why should fans of Kizune be careful? MeinMMO author Kevin Willing deals with the subject.

Who is Kizune AI? This YouTube channel is not a normal person. Much more an animated ainime girl is in front of the camera. She mimics a person’s movements, speaks and even interacts with her community. This means that the VTuber has won around 3.1 million fans to date. But what is it that defines the content and a VTuber?

  • No real scenes
  • 3-D-Animation
  • Mostly inspired by anime and animal-like, anthropomorphic characters
  • Behind this is not, as many think, a single, real person – more on that later

Vtuber Kizune AI sells NFT art: what’s behind it?

Was plant die VTuberin? In an announcement video, Kizune AI announced to its approximately 3.1 million fans that they were getting to work creating great NFTs. These are actually already in the works and should appear after their concert “Hello World 2022”. She announces her art with the following words:

I think you’ve heard a lot about the Metaverse and NFTs lately. It sounds complicated, but also new and fun at the same time! (…) I want to bring experiences to other people and make new, fun experiences. I want to be more part of everyone’s daily life.

Granted, the last sentence awakens my “Hal 9,000” childhood trauma. Fortunately, there are still real people behind Kizune AI – plural. So Kizune doesn’t do the NFTs itself, either?

Behind her show is a whole team consisting of 3-D artists, several cutters and video editors and a voice actress. the So Kizune doesn’t even exist.

Nevertheless: your art exists or rather there will be. However, the VTuber or the team behind it have not yet expressed any concrete plans. The form in which the NFTs appear is therefore unknown for the time being.

Price and release – when does it start? However, there is already a release and a price for the digital art of Kizune AI.

She claims to publish it on February 26, 2022. If you want, you can then shell out around € 1,000 in the form of the crypto currency Ethereum.

What are NFTs and do you make money with them?

NFT art (Non-Fungible Token) are often portraits, drawings or other artworks that are only available in limited editions. Music or videos can also be “tokenized” and are therefore unique.

People can still copy the works, but as with great art, there is only one original and many copies. The information about the authenticity of the NFTs is stored in the blockchain (what is a blockhain? via saved.,

Hardly anyone can get around the topic of NFTs at the moment. Many YouTubers start their own art projects and sell them to their fans. They often pounce on it, even when the price bubble is full to bursting. For example, a user paid around 12 million US dollars for this curiosity:

Crytopunk von LarvaLabs

How someone earns money with it should already be clear. The unique works are offered on various marketplaces online and can be bought with crypto currencies. But it works the other way around. Customers can also offer the art they have acquired for sale again themselves.

What are your experiences, have you ever created, sold an NFT or would you even buy an NFT from Kizune AI? Let us know what you think in the comments.

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