Assassin’s Creed Valhalla: The characters Ragnaröks DLC lets us beat up as Odin giants

In the Dawn of Ragnarök DLC we explore one of the nine worlds as Odin.
In the Dawn of Ragnarök DLC we explore one of the nine worlds as Odin.

The first leaks for the third DLC of Assassin’s Creed Valhalla have been confirmed. To Wrath of the Druids and Siege of Paris the game is now receiving its third major expansion. In ‘The characters of Ragnarok‘we slip right into the skin of the Nordic god Odin.

What can we expect? Dawn of Ragnarök tells a new story and is supposed to deliver over 35 hours of gameplay. With Svartalfheim (also called Schwarzalbenheim) we can explore a new area that is about a third the size of England in the main game.

When does The Signs of Ragnarok appear? The third DLC will be available on March 10, 2022.

Explore the realm of the dwarves as Allfather Odin

This is what Dawn of Ragnarök is all about: At the beginning of the DLC we take a potion as Eivor, through which we get a vision of how we can become the god Odin. Our task as Allfather: To protect Asgard (the heavenly world) and to find and save our kidnapped son Baldr.

Our journey takes us to another of the nine worlds, namely Svartalfheim, the home of the dwarfs. However, this is at war with invaders from other worlds, so we first have to find the exiled dwarfs before they can help us to look for Baldr.

Here you can watch the trailer for yourself:

AC Valhalla: Dawn of Ragnarok - cinematic trailer sets the mood for a war of the gods


AC Valhalla: Dawn of Ragnarok – cinematic trailer sets the mood for a war of the gods

This is new in The Characters Ragnaröks DLC

New opponents: On the way we face all kinds of enemies, old and new. In addition to the frost giants, which we already know from Jotunheim, there are now also the Muspel, fire creatures from Muspelheim. In addition to the Flame Keepers, who can revive fallen enemies, they also include the Surtrs Fury: enemies who run towards us to explode under our noses.

New magical powers: As the story progresses, our dwarf allies receive the Hugr-Rip bracelet. It allows us to steal the powers of defeated enemies. For example, Odin can transform himself into a raven in order to execute opponents falling from above or to revive enemies so that they fight by our side.

You can get a first look at the expansion in our photo series:

Odin can also use ice magic to increase the damage done by his melee weapons or to teleport to distant locations with his bow. These skills should not only support us in combat, but also be useful for puzzles and exploration.

New challenges: The Challenge of the Valkyries provides us with a new battle arena in which we can prove our skills – the more difficult our chosen fight, the better our rewards will be.

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Assassin’s Creed Interwoven Stories Update

But that’s not all that Assassin’s Creed Valhalla has to offer in year two. Before the DLC appears, all players will receive the Assassin’s Creed event, Interwoven Tales, on December 14, 2021.

The update is free for all owners of the respective main games and provides a new story for each Assassin’s Creed Odyssey and Valhalla, where Kassandra and Eivor meet for the first time. You can find all information about the update in our separate article.

What do you think of the third DLC? Are you looking forward to playing as God or would you rather be on the road with Eivor?