Pokémon GO: Eevee evolution – names, kilometer trick, lock modules

The development of Eevee in Pokémon GO can be influenced with name tricks. We’ll show you which tricks you can use to specifically develop Eevee 2021. This creates glaziola, psiana, feelinara and other cool developments.

Eevee is one of the Pokémon that has particularly diverse developments. You can develop it into Aquana, Blitza, Flamara, Nachtara, Psiana, Glaziola, Folipurba or Feelinara in Pokémon GO.

Actually a coincidence, but tricks help: At first glance you have no influence on which of the named monsters Eevee will develop into. But resourceful trainers found out how you can determine the developments. With nicknames, a proof of friendship and with special lock modules.

Eevee names for developments – list for 2021

Develop specifically: In Pokémon GO you have the opportunity to specifically develop Aquana, Blitza, Flamara, Nachtara, Psiana, Glaziola, Folipurba and Feelinara.

The names for the name trick at Eevee:

  • Sparky (For developing to Blitza)
  • Rainer (For the development to Aquana)
  • Pyro (For the development to Flamara)
  • Sakura (For development to Psiana)
  • Tamao (For developing into night macaw)
  • Rea (For developing into Glaziola)
  • Linnea (For development to Folipurba)
  • Kira (For the development of Feelinara)

In Pokémon GO, click on the PokéBall, then on Pokémon. Now choose the Eevee that you want to develop. Click on the pencil symbol next to Evolis name and choose one of the names for the development:

Optional security: If you have entered the desired name, a small picture of the desired Pokémon should appear next to the button for developing. So you can be sure that you develop Eevee into the right Pokémon.

Develop now: If you now develop Eevee, which has been given a nickname, the desired development should appear.

Attention: This nickname trick only works once per development. So once for Aquana, once for Blitza and so on. With the buddy trick you will develop into Psiana or Nachtara afterwards. With special lock modules you can get Folipurba and Glaziola.

Pokémon GO Eevee family overview Feelinara
New since May 2021: Feelinara

Developing Feelinara – How?

That is new: Since May 25th you can develop Feelinara in Pokémon GO. This works once via the nickname Kira. But if you don’t want to waste this opportunity or want to carry out a further development in a targeted manner, it works by earning from the heart.

You have to earn 70 hearts with Eevee as a buddy in order to develop it specifically into Feelinara. Here we show you more information about the Eevee development “Feelinara” in Pokémon GO.

Pokémon GO Evoli Entwickeln Feelinara Titel Willow
The latest Eevee development “Feelinara” comes from the 6th generation and is of the Fee type

Eevee as a buddy – evolution to Psiana, Nachtara


Develop specifically without a nickname: If you have already developed with “Sakura” and “Tamao” once, you can still determine whether Eevee should develop into Nachtara or Psiana.

This is how it works: The Eevee that you want to develop must be

  • Run 10 kilometers as a buddy with you
  • collect 2 candies
  • be your buddy in development.

If one of these requirements is not met, the development will not work in a targeted manner.

  • Night Macaw: Do you develop this buddy Eevee that meets the above requirements, at night, it becomes night macaw.
  • Psiana: Do you develop the buddy Eevee, which meets the above requirements, by day, it becomes Psiana.

Tip: It’s best to walk 11 or 12 kilometers with the buddy Eevee to make sure that the development to Nachtara or Psiana works. This trick can be used again and again.

Developing Eevee on lock modules – Folipurba and Glaziola, 4th generation

Developing Eevee to the 4th generation: If you’ve already used the nickname trick for Folipurba and Glaziola, there is another way to get hold of the developments.

Eevee developments

This is how it works: To carry out these developments you need the moss module or the glacier module. You can buy these lock modules in the in-game shop for 200 coins each.

  • Ignites a glacier module on a PokéStop to specifically develop Eevee into glaziola
  • Ignites a moss module on a PokéStop to specifically develop Eevee into Folipurba

Alternatively, another player can ignite the respective module. You just have to be within range of it at its stop.

Pokémon GO Glacier Module Moss Module Evoli Develop Gen 4
The Glacier Module and the Moss Module – This is what they look like in Pokémon GO

If you are then within reach of the respective module, you can easily develop the desired Eevee. It is then guaranteed to be Glaziola or Folipurba, depending on which module you have ignited.

So you can be sure: Before developing, look again at the picture next to the develop button. It should say either Folipurba or Glaziola. If so, then you can develop it.

If there is not the right picture there, then you have to move even closer to the right lock module. Then check again whether the correct picture appears.

There is Shiny Eevee here

Do you want a very special Eevee or its development in your collection? Then do level 4 of special research to get started. You are guaranteed a dazzling version of this Pokémon.

Pokémon GO Shiny Eevee overview

So you can control the Eevee developments in a targeted manner. Which is your favorite development?

We have looked carefully for you and checked with whom the development is worthwhile. We took PvP (trainer versus trainer) and PvE (raids) into account.

The result was that most of the Eevee developments were more in the midfield. Glaziola and night macaws play a special role. Find out here which Eevee development in Pokémon GO is the strongest.
