New World Announces January Patch – Brings 10 difficulty levels for dungeons and new Max armor

New World has brought a new patch to the PTR server, which has a lot of new endgame content ready. In addition to the mutators for dungeons, the maximum level of the equipment is increased to 625. There are also adjustments to the Outpost Storm and the Azoth cost when traveling.

What happens in January The big January patch focuses on dungeons and new endgame content:

  • The dungeons get the so-called mutators. These change well-known dungeons and make them more difficult. Every week different dungeons are supposed to be combined with different mutators. There should be a total of 10 levels of difficulty, whereby the highest should only be for “real cracks”.
  • The new shadow fragments will be introduced, with which you can improve your armor from 600 to 625 armor.
  • There is a balance change in the outpost storm. The Libertarian Summoning Stone cost has been increased from 500 to 750 Azoth Essence.
  • There are a few balance changes to the weapons.
  • The travel costs for Azoth should be adjusted with the update. Specifically, the removal costs are “drastically reduced”. If you travel to an area of ​​your faction, the bonus ensures that the removal costs even drop to 0.

When does the patch come out? Since January 6th at 11:00 p.m. you can try the patch on the New World test server.

When exactly the update will be released is not yet known. A release is planned for January. So far, the patches have mostly been on the PTR server for 7 to 14 days.

Mutators in dungeons reward you if you play more effectively and quickly

How exactly do the mutators work? The mutators change the normal and named opponents in dungeons and become stronger at the same time. As a result, you should have to develop new strategies, especially for the bosses. There are a total of 10 levels of difficulty, the highest of which should also require a high level of equipment and, above all, a lot of strategy.

Every week there should be a combination of different mutator types in different dungeons. For the PTR, 8 different mutators are planned for the following 3 dungeons:

  • Dynasty shipyard
  • Garden of origin
  • Lazarus instruments

It is currently not known whether there will be more adjustments on the live server in the end and whether other expeditions will also be changed by the mutators.

New World Lazarus
Lazarus Instrumentarium is one of the expeditions that benefited from the mutators.

Can you run the highest difficulty straight away? No, you need good scores in the unlocked levels of the mutations in order to then advance to another level.

Points are awarded for:

  • Time: The better the time, the higher the score
  • AI Kills: A target value for killing a predetermined number of enemies within the expedition.
  • AI Kills: A target value for killing “Named Enemies” within the expedition.
  • Team Annihilations: Each team annihilation during a boss fight reduces the score by a significant amount
  • Respawns: Each respawn reduces the score by a moderate amount

What are the rewards? In addition to better equipment and generally better loot, the mutators also have new shadow splinters. With these you can upgrade the armor to 625.

New equipment cap from 625 – this is how it works

What’s behind the new equipment? With the January update, you can upgrade your armor from 600 to 625. That’s what the shadow splinters are for. You can get it in three different ways:

  • From dungeons with mutators
  • Create an item with an upgrade value of 600 while crafting
  • Open a plaster cast for an equipment slot that is already at 600 expertise

Shadow Shards, on the other hand, can only be used on equipment that has an armament value of 600 and for which you have an expertise of 600 yourself.

Will the new equipment also work in PvP? Yes, the new setup value of 625 works in all game content.

We’ll tell you more details about the shadow splinters as soon as we’ve played the patch more intensively on the PTR.

What do you think of the changes made by the January patch? Do you like the new content? Feel free to write it in the comments.

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