What to do when WhatsApp does not send a message

WhatsApp does not work well for you? Follow these helpful tips

Among the multiple platforms we have to send messages to other people through our smartphones, WhatsApp is perhaps the more important in the world with more than 2 million users.

Even after the occasional fiasco of Privacy & Security and that there are other applications on the market that give more possibilities to users such as Telegram, WhatsApp follows heading the list of most downloaded applications.

Surely you have ever come across that WhatsApp don’t send a message. There may be an infinite number of reasons why that message is not sent but we will see the possible solutions.

1. Update WhatsApp

As always the first step is to check that we have our updated app to the latest version. And it is that WhatsApp launches many updates for its iOS application and sometimes we must update it in the middle of a conversation so that it continues to work correctly.

For it:

  • open the App Store on your iPhone and do click in the image that appears at the top right.
  • Now slide that menu down check if one of the updates you have pending is WhatsApp.
  • give to to update.

2. Quit the WhatsApp Beta program

Perhaps you were one of the first people to have WhatsApp and you have not found out until now that you are using the beta of the application.

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To check:

  • Download the app TestFlight and open it when it downloads.
  • If you have the WhatsApp Beta you will appear on the main screen. Within it select “Leave beta program”. In my case, since I don’t have it, the app doesn’t find any beta.

3. Allow WhatsApp to use mobile data

Sometimes we do not realize it and inadvertently we have restricted mobile data for some applications. If you have enabled this option for WhatsApp it is possible that you will neither send nor receive messages.

To check:

  • open Settings on your iPhone and scroll through the menu until you see WhatsApp.
  • Check that next to the option “Mobile data” is in green. If not, you have them disabled.
Mobile data activated

4. Enable background data usage

It is an error similar to the previous one where we are not letting the app work in the background, that is, WhatsApp not allowed work if we do not have it open on our screen.

To check:

  • open Settings on your iPhone and scroll through the menu until you see WhatsApp.
  • Check that next to the option “Update in the background” is in verde. If not, you have them disabled.
Update in background activated

Update in background activated

5. Disable data saving mode

This way can hinder the output and input of WhatsApp messages or that they arrive less fluently.

To check:

  • open Settings on your iPhone and do click about “Mobile data”.
  • Now do click in “Options” and then in “Data mode”.
  • Check that do not have marked the “Reduced data mode”
Reduced data mode

6. Remove battery saving mode

Battery saving is designed so that applications do not work in the background so often and perhaps that is why WhatsApp does not work well for you.

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To remove it:

  • open Settings on your iPhone and do click about “Battery”.
  • If next to the first option “Low Power Mode” is green, click click over the circle to remove it.
Low power mode

7. Reinstall and restart

If after all this you still have problems uninstall the WhatsApp application and reinstall it and reboot your iPhone.

Before uninstalling it, we recommend doing a backup of your chats in case you don’t want to lose them.

To make a backup:

  • Open the app WhatsApp and go to “Settings” at the bottom right.
  • do click in “Chats” and then in “Backup”.
  • Dale to “Make Copy Now” (it may take a while).
WhatsApp backup

WhatsApp backup

How to use WhatsApp web on iPhone and iPad

If after all these tips and tricks WhatsApp still does not work, first check that the servers of the company are well looking for information on their website. If you still have problems ponte in contact with them.

Related topics: WhatsApp

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