How to share location between relatives on iPhone

With these steps, you and your family members can share their location with each other from your iPhone.

With the world as it is, it is always a good idea to know where our family members are at all times to ensure their well-being or that they know about ours. The good news is that, thanks to the gadgets that we carry around all day, we can make this a reality. Today we bring you a tutorial so you can learn how to share location between family members with your iPhoneAlthough, thanks to a second method, you will not need all the mobiles in your home to be produced by those from Cupertino.

How to share location among relatives on iPhone

  1. Share your location in real time with the Find iPhone app.
  2. Share your location in real time with Google Maps.

1. Share your location with the Find iPhone app

Find iPhone app

Take advantage of the Find app on your iPhone

If you want to know the location of your relatives or you want them to know yours, first you will have to configure the Family Sharing function within the settings menu of your iPhone. To do so, you just have to follow these steps:

  1. Open the app Settings on your iPhone.
  2. Ve a tu Apple ID –the first choice at all-.
  3. Choose ‘Share with family‘.
  4. Tap on Set up family.
  5. On the next screen, tap on ‘Invite people‘.
  6. You will have to ask the other person to enter your Apple ID and password on your iPhone.

You can invite up to five members to the Family Sharing option. Once you have configured the accounts of the people you want to integrate, It only remains to follow these steps on each of the devices configured to be able to share their locations.

  1. Open the app again Settings.
  2. Go into Apple ID.
  3. Tap on Meet.
  4. Activate the function ‘Share my location‘.

This will allow your iPhone to share your location with the rest of the people in the family group. Of course, you will have to configure this on the other devices so that they can also share their location data with the rest of the group.

To improve location accuracy, you can also follow these steps:

How to share family location app Find

Improve the accuracy of your iPhone’s location

  1. Enter a Settings on your iPhone.
  2. and a Privacy.
  3. Go into Location and activates the function.
  4. Now, in this same menu, scroll down until you find the Find app.
  5. Tap on it and activate the option ‘Precise location‘which you will see within the menu.

Ready. Perform these final steps on the devices of other family members and you will be ready to move on to the next step: see the location of your relatives in real time using the Find app on your iPhone.

How to see the location of my relatives on the iPhone

Once you have configured the previous steps, you are ready to start locating all your relatives within the map. To do it you just have to follow these simple steps:

  1. Log in to the app Meet from your iPhone.
  2. Go to the tab Devices.
  3. Here, you will see the location of the other family members on the list.
  4. Tap on devices to view your location or play location sounds on your respective devices.

The best part is that neither you nor your family members will have to do anything else. Unlike other third-party applications, Find allows us to check the real-time location of our loved ones without them having to share any kind of extra information with us, just the initial setup you already went through.

2. How to share location between family members with Google Maps

google maps

Of course, the above option is great if everyone in your family has iPhone devices, but we know that this is not usually the most common in most homes. So here we bring you an option that will be just as useful regardless of the operating system run each of these devices.

To locate your family using the shared location of Google Maps, just do the following:

  1. Open the app Google Maps on your iPhone.
  2. Tap on the profile picture in the upper corner.
  3. Tap on Share location.
  4. Grant the location permissions to the app.
  5. Now, select a person to which you want to share your location and the amount of time that you want that location to be available.

What’s more, if you tap on More options, you will be able to share a link with your location with anyone in any application. The only thing said person will have to do is open the link in their browser and they will be able to see your current location for the time that you have estimated necessary, or until you turn off the function if you have selected it.

That’s all for today. If you want to keep learning tricks about your iPhone, don’t forget to stay tuned to everything we have to publish. We recently told you some tricks to use the iPhone in a car without CarPlay, and thanks to the shortcuts in iOS, you can make it an almost native experience. And speaking of shortcuts, we also leave you an article with the five shortcuts for macOS Monterey that will make your life much easier.

Related topics: Tutorials

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