Pokémon GO: Trainers believe they have discovered the new Valentine’s Day Pokémon

Nothing official is known about the Valentine’s Day event in February 2022 at Pokémon GO. But players now want to have found the Pokémon in a data mining find that will probably be released for the event.

What’s new? PokeMiners’ dataminers have noticed some changes in the Pokemon GO code (via PokeMiners.com). These include Lunar New Year quests, Community Day content with Bulbasaur, and shapes for a Pokémon.

Trainers suspect that the forms for the Pokémon are probably the candidate that will be released for Valentine’s Day. Here we show you the finds and who they are.

Find Dataminer Pokusan – For Valentine’s Day 2022?

This is the find: On January 14, 2022, the PokeMiners published their analysis of the latest data mining. It was found:

  • A catch challenge and a friend challenge for the Lunar New Year event
  • New Bonus: Double Stardust when opening gifts
  • Medals for the GO Tour
  • Content for the Community Days with Seamops and with Bulbasaur
  • New forms: Ruby Cream, Swirl Ruby and Deoxys Normal

What new Pokemon could be coming? The Cream forms are clearly attributable to the Pokémon Pokusan. Pokusan is the evolution of Hokumil. Both belong to the fairy type and come from the eighth generation of the game.

The special thing about the Pokémon is that Pokusan can appear in nine different flavors and seven different decorations. This results in 63 possible shape combinations (not including Shinys).

Ruby Cream and Ruby Mix are forms of Pokusan. This is how they look:

Trainers suspect: With the addition of the forms for Pokusan, trainers believe that Niantic is actively developing the Pokemon. Due to its loving look, it could fit the theme of the Valentine’s Day event that will be held in February.

So writes Noobkiller69 (via reddit.com): “Pokusan for Valentine’s Day?” to which user dabomerest replies, “I don’t think so, but it would be great if they did!

In general, Valentine’s Day in Pokémon GO is usually pink and new Pokémon appear to match.

So a release of Pokusan would be quite obvious. However, you should keep in mind that the forms and finds are from dataminers and Niantic has not yet officially confirmed that Pokusan will be activated in the game.

Other trainers write in the community that they would rather have missing Pokémon from earlier generations in the game instead of new ones from the eighth generation.

How would you like Niantic to release Pokusan for Valentine’s Day 2022? Is this a Pokemon you’d be excited to see, or would you like some other content? Let us know what you think about it here on MeinMMO in the comments.
