The simple viral challenge with which you can save more than 650 euros this year

Now all those cents that you have left over from supermarket purchases can be transformed into hundreds of euros at the end of the year if you dare with this challenge.

It is quite common that at the beginning of each year we make a series of proposals such as the classic ones of going much more to the gym, visiting those friends that we have abandoned or even saving, and it is clear that with the pertinent cost of January and everything that we we have spent at Christmas, being able to save a few euros is always welcome.

There are many strategies that we can carry out now at the beginning of the year to be able to save in a particularly delicate month, and nevertheless there are a series of quite common little saving tricks that are repeated year after year and many of them have become viral.

One of the best known and that many people are beginning to do now at the beginning of the year, is the penny challenge, with which you could save more than 650 euros in 2022 and that the comparator of financial products reminds us of its existence HelpMyCash.

The challenge is very simple, because basically what you have to do is to save a certain amount of cents every day, an amount that will increase as the year progresses.

In this way, on the first day of the year we should save one cent in our piggy bank, on the second day of the year two cents, on the third day of the year three cents and so on until we reach December 31 where we should save 3.65 euros.

In this way, we can take advantage of those cents that we always give away, throw away or forget in our drawer, to include them in a piggy bank, and you will see that at the end of the year you will have saved hundreds of euros.

The challenge is very easy to start since it is only a few cents a day, increasing this number of cents gradually.

If we do it right, at the end of this month we would have already saved 4.96 euros, in an amount that will gradually increase.

Obviously you can also start this viral challenge in reverse, that is, entering the largest amount at the beginning of the year and decreasing it as the days go by.

If this challenge is rigorously met every day of the year, you will save 667.95 euros at the end of the year, a good economic sum of those cents that we usually put aside, and that will allow you to give yourself some other whim in the coming Christmas.