In Pokémon GO there is now a trade bonus as an excuse for the failure

In Pokémon GO, the trade function was gone for more than 24 hours. The developers had to deactivate them because of a major bug, so that no player could trade anymore. Now the function is active again and Niantic shows how they make up for the failure.

What was that failure? In the early morning of January 20th, Pokémon GO support released a tweet announcing that the trading feature had to be disabled. Trainers showed the reason for this on reddit.

On the morning of January 21st, the support team announced that the bug had been fixed and that the swap feature was re-enabled. From now on you can swap again. Niantic wants to pay for the failure and compensate you. There is also an exchange bonus.

150 exchanges per day – That’s what Niantic says about the failure

This is the compensation now: You can trade 150 Pokémon per day until January 24 at 7:00 p.m.

Niantic says: Im Tweet writes the support: “Coach, we have fixed the bug that affected the trades. Now the feature is active again. We’ve increased the maximum number of trades per day to 150. This increase will remain active until January 24th at 19:00 to make up for lost time trading and earning XL Candy. Thank you for your patience.”

How are the players reacting? In the comments below the tweet, some players are asking for more compensation. There are wishes for:

  • More special trades per day as trainers lost one during the outage
  • Increased trade distance
  • Worldwide fortune exchanges

On reddit, the trainers are more about the lost special exchange. There it says that the 100 exchanges per day were annoying. “I wish you could pick about 10 Pokemon to trade at the same time,” impulsenine writes reddit. Another user says (via reddit): “It would be nice if you could do more than one special exchange in the period. To make up for not getting the XL candies from the lost special trade. Because I’m not going to trade 150 times.”

Why has the swap feature been disabled?

That happened: The reason for the disabling of the trade function is probably that the Lucky Friends status has not been removed. While Niantic didn’t directly communicate that this was the reason for the deactivation, it’s very likely.

About an hour before the swap feature was disabled, trainers showed off on reddit how incredibly “lucky” they were. Together, they were able to trade 100 Pokémon, and they all became Lucky Pokémon. Lucky Friends status just wasn’t revoked. As proof of this, a trainer provided screenshots that make many envious:

In Pokémon GO, 2 trainers were incredibly lucky – that’s the 100 lucky Pokémon in one day