Dead by Daylight brings more story, incorporates that of “SAW” into its own

A new trailer for Dead by Daylight gives hope for a lot more story. Especially cool – the characters from SAW seem to play an important role.

The asymmetrical horror game Dead by Daylight is a whole lot, but certainly not a game that put a particularly big focus on its story. This has changed bit by bit in recent years with the introduction of the “Archives”, but slowly but surely the developers seem to be making even more efforts in this direction.

Because the now 10th book in the archives has a trailer that asks many questions, answers some of them and even makes it clear: Dead by Daylight also likes to include other works in its own storyline, such as SAW.

What is the trailer about? The video shows the observer. This is one of the humans trapped in the world of Entity. Unlike the other “survivors”, however, he is in possession of a relic, the “Auris”. This allows him to be unseen in the Entity’s realm while also exploring the memories of the other prisoners.

In the latest video he tries again and goes deep into a memory, but something strange happens. Instead of just seeing someone’s memory, he encounters the infamous Jigsaw Doll from the SAW universe.

This suggests that he may have entered the memories of Detective Tapp or Amanda Young (the killer “Pig”). However, the Jigsaw puppet speaks directly to the observer and, in true SAW fashion, explains that he is part of a game. The necessary jigsaw piece to “escape from this world” supposedly lies right in front of the observer – they just have to overcome their own obsession to look at what lies “beyond”.

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What’s in the book? Book 10 is again full of unlockable cosmetic items – it’s like Dead by Daylight’s “Season Pass”. However, the story snippets, which can be unlocked via individual challenges, are available to all players. It seems like this time around we’re learning a lot about the Observer, the world of the Entity, and also some new details about the SAW characters.

But it is also clear that Dead by Daylight will not be a game that focuses heavily on the story. But it is a nice bonus and has been expanded and told in small bits in recent years. That a new Rift announcement trailer now has such a heavy focus on SAW and the Observer is a first. Because for the first time, the option of escaping the world of the Entity is within reach – if that isn’t just another lie from the Entity in the form of the little Jigsaw doll.

Story fans who always hoped for “more” from Dead by Daylight should get their money’s worth here.

Dead by Daylight SAW Archives Key Art

When can you play this? The new part of the “Archives” and with it the rewards of the rift can be played from tomorrow, January 26, 2022. As a rule, the activation takes place in the evening hours, so you can start earning the new story tidbits and the cosmetic rewards by January 27th at the latest.

What else is in the patch? A whole bunch of small changes that should have a big impact. Most importantly, the monthly blood point gain is drastically increased by the “Grade” system – players get up to 300% more blood points depending on their performance.

Another new feature is the ability to switch controls. In future, it is no longer necessary to keep a key pressed all the time, for example to work on a generator or to heal a team member. Instead, a single press of the corresponding button is enough – after that you only have to react to skill checks. This is to prevent players from constantly having to hold down a mouse button just to work on the generator.

What do you think of the new trailer and the fact that Dead by Daylight is increasingly story-driven?