Why the world’s second USB-C iPhone sold $80,000 cheaper than the first

The world’s second USB-C iPhone has sold for much, much less than the first.

A few days ago we told you that the second iPhone with a USB-C port was for sale. This is the second time we have seen such an ambitious engineering project; the first model managed to sell for the not inconsiderable sum of 86,001 US dollars, it was an iPhone X with USB-C, designed by Ken Pillonel.

Now it seems that the creator of this second iPhone with a USB-C port, Gernot Jöbstl, has been inspired by Pillonel’s work. On this occasion, however, it is a modified iPhone X with USB-C port, which also has waterproof protection. This is a novelty with respect to the first version; Unfortunately, it seems that this time the interest in the device has not been the same.

Although the first iPhone X with a USB-C port managed to sell for the sum of US$86,001 at the end of last year, this time Gernot’s iPhone did not have the same luck. This new iPhone with a USB-C port only sold for the $3,000 offered by its sole bidder. While that’s still a pretty hefty amount, considering the current cost of the phone, it’s a long way from its big brother’s $86,000.

Among the reasons why this version may not have been as successful as the previous one is: the fact that it was the first iPhone with a USB-C port in the world; Thus, it was a novelty that collectors did not want to miss. Furthermore, it is likely that Gernot’s iPhone did not have the same visibility that Pillonel had at the time.

The publication also confirmed some problems in this iPhone X with USB-C. For example, does not have fast charge and, of course, it is non-warranty equipment due to its prototype nature.

Related topics: iPhone

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