Destiny 2 finally reveals more about weapon crafting, the most exciting new feature in Witch Queen

Destiny 2’s new TWaB has been released and Bungie is going through in detail how you’ll get your forged weapons in the near future. We at MeinMMO summarize all the important details for you.

What is the new forge? The Forge will be a new place where you will be able to forge your own God-Rolls. Many variations will be possible to give your gun your own touch. This workshop will be released with Witch Queen on 02/22/22.

So you will be able to forge

Bungie calls the place where the Forge is located “The Enclave”. So, as you venture through the first missions, you will become acquainted with this new location. At or on top of the enclave is the new forge where you will sculpt your god rolls.

Three Keepers ready to forge

Is there a tutorial? In the first mission of Witch Queen, accessible to all players, you will discover a new ability called “Insight” and after that you will get acquainted with the enclave. At this point in the mission, you will forge your first glaive.

You will be provided with the first materials for crafting the glaive. Despite the resources provided, Bungie will take you by the hand and explain how each material will be obtained.

The forging can begin!

Are all crafting options already unlocked? You will get a little help at the beginning in the form of already learned weapons and archetypes. Bungie will continue to add to this list in the future.

In order to be able to forge your weapons, however, you must first find the corresponding weapon pattern. You’ll be able to get these in the form of rewards from quests, completing triumphs, or other undisclosed goals. After learning such a pattern, you can immediately start forging the weapon.

How do I get weapon traits? You will need to learn perks over the course of your playtime, and you will do so in the form of random loot equipped with the Deep Vision Resonance ability. These weapons are provided with a red frame on the icon so that you can recognize them.

The red frame on the weapons reveals the additional feature

So if you got hold of such a weapon, all you have to do is feed it. So have you found an auto rifle with a kill clip that also has the ability If you own Deep Gaze Resonance, all you have to do is complete the associated quest to complete the Resonance.

Once you have done that, you can extract the essence of the perk and transfer it to another weapon. Not every perk will connect to every weapon. Despite that, Bungie has made sure there is plenty to choose from.

The completed deep gaze resonance

Can I still “masterwork” my weapon? You will not only be able to transform your weapon into a masterpiece, but also the associated perks. As Bungie mentioned, it should be noted that you are also the master of your shotgun.

So if you use your weapon for a longer period of time and kill enemies with it, you not only level yourself, but also your gun. So if you have reached a high weapon level, you will have the opportunity to improve your perks even further.

These improved perks give you a small bonus on the selected perks. Whether this will increase mods like Vorpal’s weapon damage or benefit overall weapon stats is not yet known.

Memorabilia – Activity trackers and ornaments

Not only will you be able to freely choose perks, but you will also unlock some cosmetic things in the course of your keeper career in Witch Queen. Ornaments and trackers that match activities will adorn your weapon.

Is this purple cluster a memento? One does not know.

So if you play Gambit extensively, you will earn these items over time. However, these cosmetic subtleties can only be used if your weapon has also reached the highest level.

Exotic forging

Not only legendary weapons can be forged. The Exotic SMG “Osteo Striga” and three class-specific Exo Glaives can also be crafted in the Enclave Workshop if you’ve snagged their weapon samples. However, building Exo Parts is different from Legendary Items.

What is different? The Exos will be more about fine tuning. You’ll have the ability to customize them to suit your playstyle. The magazine and the barrel are adjustable, but the rest of the exotic weapon remains unchanged. Thus, the character of the Wumme remains the same.

So if you want a medium or long range SMG, you can customize that. However, if you would like to have a hand-sized lawn mower for short distances, that can also be set up.

Bungie has revealed a lot with it and you don’t have to wait long for Witch Queen. Was the short but detailed insight enough for you and are you now even more excited than before? Or have you lost interest because some of your ideas have vanished into thin air? Let us know!

However, what could also be airborne would be the 5th Element in Destiny 2 which might appear in a later DLC. A few things speak for it.