Diablo 3: Unlock Archaic Items – This is how you are guaranteed to get one

Diablo 3 Archaic Items Ancient Comparison

Archaic items in Diablo 3 are the highest quality item you can get. We’ll show you how to unlock them and how you’re guaranteed to get one per season.

What are Archaic Items (Primal Ancients)? This type of item automatically has the highest roll. If there is dexterity on the item, then this is not randomly rolled with a “from-to” value, but gets the maximum directly. This is why the archaic items are also so popular, because with ancient items you still need rolling luck, which is no longer necessary in this case.

Archaic items are rarer and better than Ancient items. We’ll show you how to unlock and find them here.

Unlocking Archaic Items – Here’s how

You have to do this: The items cannot drop without preparation. In a season, you must first complete a level 70 Greater Rift within the time, i.e. successfully complete it. If you can do that, the archaic items can drop from this point on.

Legendary items can drop as Ancient items. And these, in turn, have a chance of being an archaic item. Opportunities in the lower single-digit range are assumed here.

Once unlocked, any legendary item can drop as an archaic item.

Get guaranteed Archaic item

How does it work? The first 70s Greater Rift you do in an area* guarantees you a Primal Ancient drop. However, the item doesn’t have to be good or match your build. Many players are unlucky and get something they don’t need.

Diablo 3 Archaic Items Ancient Comparison
Archaic Items vs. Ancient Items – That’s how powerful the stats are

*A season counts as an area, for example. Once per season you get a guaranteed archaic drop from GR70. This works once in hardcore and once in softcore. Outside of a season, this also works once in hardcore and once in softcore.

Farming Archaic Items – Where are they?

Rifts: With luck you get the items in Rifts. Any mob carrying Legendaries as loot has a chance to drop them. Also the portal bosses. In Greater Rifts only the portal boss can drop items, here too there is a chance for the Primal Ancients.

Diablo 3 Archaic Drop Map Floor
This is how you see the drop: On the minimap you can see a pentagram in black and dark red. The beam from the item is also red and not orange like other legendary items

Kadala: If you’re lucky, Kadala will give you the item you need in the Archaic variant. Here you need a lot of luck and blood fragments.

Kanai’s Cube: Upgrading Rare Items also gives you a chance to craft Archaic Items. Here the chance is still quite high, since you are already in the right item type. On MeinMMO we will show you how to unlock and use Kanai’s Cube.
