Distance challenge in Pokémon GO – what is there?

Distance challenge in Pokémon GO - what is there?

A distance challenge is active in Pokémon GO on April 23. We show you the rewards and what the reason for them is.

What is that? You can find the distance challenge in the Today overview of Pokémon GO since April 23 at 2:00 p.m. It is a time-limited research that you can solve until 20:00. Each milestone rewards you with a Pokémon encounter.

In addition, Niantic will plant trees and do something for the environment. We’ll show you the content.

Distance Challenge April 23 – The Rewards

The tasks: As quests you have it quite easy, because for each quest you should walk one kilometer. You should move a total of 5 kilometers.

  • Task: Run 1 kilometer
    • Reward: Encounter with Kikugi*
  • Task: Run 2 kilometers
    • Reward: Encounter with Kikugi*
  • Task: Run 3 kilometers
    • Reward: Encounter with Kikugi*
  • Task: Run 4 kilometers
    • Reward: Encounter with Kikugi*
  • Task: Run 5 kilometers
    • Reward: Encounter with Kikugi*

Total Reward: Completing all 5 tasks and claiming the rewards will grant you an additional 1,000 XP, 1,000 Stardust, and another encounter with Kikugi.

This is important: Since the start of Environment Week in Pokémon GO, you can also encounter Kikugi as Shiny. So use the distance challenge to challenge your shiny luck. Additionally, Niantic will plant a tree for every trainer who runs 5km during the event (up to a maximum of 100,000 trees).

The task was announced as part of Environment Week, during which Niantic aims to raise awareness of nature. In addition, encounters with Kikugi and thus chances of one of the latest Shinys lure.

As trainers report, you can also cover the 5 kilometers in one go and then pick up all the tasks at the same time. So there are no artificial stops along the way.

How do you like the challenge? Do you think it’s good that Niantic wants to encourage you to move in this way or does the attempt bounce off you? An apology event for the broken Owei spectacle will start soon – but not for everyone.
