Pokémon GO Fest 2022 officially presented – Ticket, Shinys and Pokémon

Pokémon GO Fest 2022 officially presented – Ticket, Shinys and Pokémon

GO Fest 2022 in Pokémon GO has been revealed. At least one new Pokémon awaits you with Shaymin, plus there are shinys and rotating habitats as well as tickets. We show you all content.

What is known? Niantic released the event details for the big GO Fest starting in June. The event runs over two days and brings various bonuses, Shinys and Pokémon such as Tropius, Shaymin and Milza.

In the overview we show you everything that is known about the content of the event. So far, many partners have reported the details, just not Niantic itself. We’ll update the article with more info as it comes.

GO Fest 2022 at a glance

When does it start? The event starts on Saturday, June 4th at 10:00 local time and runs until Sunday, June 5th at 20:00 local time.

What does this cost? You can buy a ticket for the event, which costs $15. This will give you access to this event and also to the final event, which runs in August 2022.

Do you have to buy a ticket? no There is a lot of content that you can play without a ticket. With a ticket you get more content, which we list here.

Day 1 of GO Fest 2022

Challenge (For ticket holders): A global challenge arena will take place. Trainers can work together here to solve a challenge together every hour. If they succeed, they unlock a bonus for the rest of the hour.

Habitats (For everyone): During the event, habitats will rotate again, providing you with different Pokémon spawns. You already know that from previous events of this kind.

  • city: Alolan Slime, Puppance, Bronzel, Mollimorba, Golbit, Nockchan, Flamia, Magnetilo, Dusselgur, Burmy in Ragged Cloak, Unratütox
    • Smoke Spawns (Ticketed): Galar Smogmog, Klikk, Unown (GOUB)
  • level: Bamelin, Rotomurf, Dummisel, Girafarig, Larvitar, Leufeo, Camaub, Nagelotz, Geronimatz, Schmuthelm, Knacklion
    • Smoke Spawns (Ticketed): Milza, Qurtel, Unown (GOUB)
  • rainforest: Bithora, Panflam, Laukaps, Hydropi, Bauz, Samurzel, Knilz, Algitt, Bummelz, Chelast, Toxiped
    • Smoke Spawns (Ticketed): Pam-Pam, Tropius, Unown (GOUB)
  • tundra: Arktip, Petznief, Meditie, Amonitas, Plinfa, Robball, Seemops, Quiekel, Gelatini, Wailmer, Wingull
    • Smoke Spawns (Ticketed): Galarian Flampion, Galarian Mime, Unown (GOUB)

New Shinys (For everyone): The following shiny shapes will be available to you after the event:

  • kid
  • Camaub
  • Laukaps
  • spleen
  • and Schnuthelm

Ticket: If you buy a ticket, you will receive a special research with the landform of Shaymin. Players can choose between easy, medium, and hard difficulty, and also choose whether the research should be about catch, discovery, or combat. The sticker rewards change depending on the execution.

If you buy a ticket, you also have an increased chance of getting shinys.

There is also a global challenge arena, for which further details are still missing.

Day 2 of GO Fest 2022

Challenge (For everyone): A global challenge arena will take place. Trainers can work together here to solve a challenge together every hour. If they succeed, they unlock a bonus for the rest of the hour.

New Pokemon: A previously unknown Pokémon is moving into the Tier 5 Raids. This could be the Pokémon Zygarde, which trainers claim to have found in the official promo image for the event.

Spawns: Any Pokémon that were available on day 1 will be available on day 2 as well. There is also Pikachu in Shaymin costumes.

Raids: You can find Milza in level 1 raids. There are also 9 free raid passes for spinning arenas.

There is also a short special research for all players, even without a ticket.

Ticket: If you buy a ticket, you get another special research on the second day. In addition, Ticket holders will encounter more Team GO Rocket Balloons and receive double the Mystery Pieces.

How do you like the content of the event? Do you like that Niantic is bringing back the rotating habitats with their different spawns and is it worth the $15 for a ticket? Write us your opinion on the topic here on MeinMMO in the comments and exchange ideas with other trainers.

A big leak showed the details of GO Fest 2022 far too early.
