To play through The Quarry you need between 10 and 1860 hours

You can spend a lot of time with the teens in The Quarry.

You can spend a lot of time with the teens in The Quarry.

You can spend a lot of time with the teens in The Quarry.

For all fans of interactive horror, Supermassive Games was delighted to announce The Quarry. In just a few weeks we will be able to defend ourselves with a group of teenagers against all possible forms of horror. The title is intended to inherit Until Dawn, and there are several parallels – this also applies to the season of The Quarry, which Game Director Will Byles tells us.

All information about the reveal of The Quarry can be found here:

The Quarry: A spiritual successor to Until Dawn


more on the subject

The Quarry: A spiritual successor to Until Dawn

The Quarry isn’t particularly long, but that doesn’t matter

This is how long you need for The Quarry: In an interview with the portal segment next Byles states that it will take us “about ten hours” for one pass. That’s pretty much what we expected. For Until Dawn you need an average of about nine hours (via How long to beat), so not noticeably less. However, the replay value is even more important in The Quarry than in the spiritual predecessor:

The game is designed to be highly replayable as we anticipate many of you will want to try alternate routes and choices. If you want to see every combination, you will need a very long time.

There are 186 endings: Byles doesn’t put a figure on exactly how long it takes to really see everything in The Quarry, but it’s simple math. As we already know, the developer studio gave the title a total of 186 different endings. If you played the game for ten hours, that would mean a total playing time of 1860 hours.

The Quarry’s announcement trailer is heavily reminiscent of Until Dawn:

The Quarry - Reveal trailer of the teen horror game sets the mood for horror night


The Quarry – Reveal trailer of the teen horror game sets the mood for horror night

You can also shorten the playing time

Of course there are ways to reduce the number of hours a little. On the one hand, we will probably be able to use our saved games several times to try out the outcome of various decisions.

On the other hand, Supermassive has the so-called Death rewind system built-in. Once we’ve completed the story (or bought the Deluxe Edition), we get three lives, each of which allows us to return to a point in the campaign responsible for a character’s death – that can be an action scene or also be a decision.

Or you can just choose the movie mode, where you set the behavior of the teenagers and don’t have to press a single button for the rest of the story.

The Quarry will be released on the 10th of June for PS5, Xbox Series X/S, PS4 and Xbox One.

How many runs of The Quarry do you have planned for the summer?