Instagram starts accepting NFTs on their profiles and soon on Stories. Facebook will go after

He paid 2.9 million dollars for the NFT of the first tweet and disappeared in Iran: the mysterious story of Sina Estavi

mark zuckerberg has announced that Meta will start experimenting with “digital collectibles” on Instagram so that both creators and collectors can display an NFT as their profile picture.

that option coming to facebook soonbut Instagram will also start testing sooner with NFTs created with augmented reality that can be published in Stories through Spark AR. Commissions will not be charged at the moment, added the head of Instagram.

NFTs reach Meta, but do so timidly

The option, which had already been available Previously on social networks such as Twitter, it now becomes part of the Instagram offer and, soon, Facebook.

He paid 2.9 million dollars for the NFT of the first tweet and disappeared in Iran: the mysterious story of Sina Estavi

The head of the division of the metaverse, Vishal Shah, explained that “this will make it easier for people to sell limited edition digital objects such as NFTs, display them in their digital spaces and even resell them to other people safely“.

Adam Mosseri, CEO of Instagram, explained that they will start offering that option to a small group of users, after which the option will be refined and will reach more people. He also clarified that at the moment there were no commissions applied to this type of function, but there are not many more details about how it works than the creation and trading of NFTs.

For example, it is not known what currency will be used when trading these NFTs, and it is not clear at the moment. if for example they will use Ethereum or perhaps that cryptocurrency of their own that was leaked a few weeks ago.