Diablo 2 Resurrected: Act 5 Eldritch/Schenk farm guide

Diablo 2 Resurrected: Act 5 Eldritch/Schenk farm guide

Eldritch the Judge and Give the overseer in the highlands of act 5 are two early game bosses that open the endgame for most builds in Diablo 2 Resurrected. Their proximity to a waypoint, coupled with their high minion density and moderate damage they deal, make them incredibly valuable for farming with less powerful builds. They do not require teleportation to be reached quickly and are normally only immune to cold.

Both bosses are even more valuable for fast farming with high-end builds on high player settings, since their minions then have a better chance of dropping high-level runes.

<strong>Diablo 2 Resurrected:</strong> Act 5 Eldritch/Schenk – Both bosses are conveniently located very close to the Ice Highlands waypoint”/></p>
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Diablo 2 Resurrected: Act 5 Eldritch/Schenk – Both bosses are conveniently located very close to the Ice Highlands waypoint

Source: Buffed

The two bosses are located north and south of the Ice Highlands waypoint in Act 5 at the end of the first map outside of Harrogath, the Bloody Foothills. On the way to the waypoint during the Siege of Harrogath quest, you will encounter Schenk the Warden and next attack Eldritch the Magistrate by running past the waypoint.
