Elden Ring: All Sound Pearls with localities, what you need them for, where to hand them in and what they unlock

Elden Ring: All Sound Pearls with localities, what you need them for, where to hand them in and what they unlock

the Sound beads in Elden Ring are special key items that can be used to expand the range of Twin Maiden Shells in the Round Table.

There are different categories of sound pearls. Some are found by exploring the game world, some are for defeating bosses, and others are obtained from specific characters.

Whenever a character has something to sell, no matter how little, they have a sound bead. If you don’t have a problem with moral gray areas, you can kill any merchant NPC, take his sound bead and give it to the twin maidens in the round table.

In this way, the range of goods in the intermediate country can be bundled in one central location without having to walk back and forth a lot to go shopping.

In this list we show where you can find all sound pearls in Elden Ring and what they unlock.

There are many different sound beads in Elden Ring.

Note: For crafting materials and co., the quantity sold is included in the overview. If there is no number in front of it, it is either a piece of equipment (which you only need once anyway) or a sound bead, which, for example, unlocks an unlimited supply of forging stones.

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Sound beads from night bosses

You can find the following sound pearls at the sound pearl hunters. These are hidden mini-bosses that only appear at night, and only in certain locations. Each hunter drops a different bead that unlocks specific crafting materials. After all, the medicine dealer’s sound bead provides you with the most important boluses for various healing processes.

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Bone Merchant’s Tone Bead

Location: Go to the Warmaster’s hut in West Limgrave at night and defeat the Soundbead Hunter that appears here (only at night). Instead, knight Bernahl stands in the hut, rests once more at the place of mercy and makes sure that night has fallen. The hunter should spawn and drop the pearl after defeating it.


  • Thin Beast Bones: 150 Runes
  • Heavy Beast Bones: 250 runes

Meatmonger’s sound bead

Location: Go to the Church of Vows in eastern Liurnia at night. The giant turtle Miriel shouldn’t be here. If you do, stop again at the Place of Mercy, make sure night has fallen, and defeat the Soundbead Hunter. He leaves the pearl.


  • Slice of Meat: 1000 Runes
  • Lump of Flesh: 1500 Runes
  • Turtle Neck Meat: 1200 Runes

Medicine Merchant Sound Bead

Location: Go to the Hermit Trader’s hut on the Altus Plateau (on the outskirts of the capital Leyndell) at night and defeat the Sound Bead Hunter that appears here. He leaves the pearl.


  • Neutralizing Boluses: 1200 Runes
  • Hemostatic Boluses: 1200 Runes
  • Frost thawing boluses: 2400 runes
  • Stimulus Boluses: 3000 Runes

Gravity Stone Merchant’s Tone Bead

Location: Go to the Secluded Merchant’s hut in northwestern Caelid at night and defeat the Soundbead Hunter that should spawn outside the hut (night only). If not, rest again and make sure night has fallen. The defeated hunter drops the pearl.


  • Gravity Stone Fan: 400 runes
  • Gravity Stone Chunk: 600 runes

Isolated Merchant’s Sound Bead 1

Location: The lone trader who drops the first bead in this row sits in the lone trader’s hut on the Peninsula of Tears (near the walking mausoleum in the area).

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  • 5x Bloody Puss Finger: 1000 runes
  • 3x Forge Stone (2): 400 runes
  • 3x Stone Sword Key: 2000 Runes
  • 1x Lost Ashes of War: 3000 Runes
  • 5x vein leaf: 600 runes
  • Greatsword: 3500 runes
  • Lantern: 1800 runes
  • Arrow: 20 runes
  • Bolt: 40 runes
  • 15x Great Arrow: 300 runes
  • 15x Ballista Bolts: 300 Runes
  • 3x sacrificial branch: 600 runes
  • Note: Wandering Mausoleum: 600 runes

Isolated Merchant’s Sounding Bead 2

Location: The lone trader who drops the second bead of this type sits outside of Raya Lucaria’s academy (after going through the blue seal at the south gate, turn around and follow the path south; he’s crouching behind the wolves).


  • Ashes of Vampire Imp: 2000 runes
  • 3x Trina’s Lily: 1000 Runes
  • 8x Bloody Pusfinger: 1500 runes
  • 1x Eye of Yelough: 1500 runes
  • 3x Stone Sword Key: 3000 Runes
  • 1x Lost Ashes of War: 4000 Runes
  • Fevor Handbook 2: 3500 Runes
  • Meteor bolt: 120 runes
  • 20x St. Trina’s Arrow: 160 Runes
  • Blue cloth hood: 1000 runes
  • Vest made of blue cloth: 1500 runes
  • Warrior Leg Armor: 1000 runes
  • Warrior Gauntlets: 1000 runes
  • 3x sacrificial branch: 3000 runes
  • Note: The Chanter’s Secret: 1200 Runes
  • Note: Ghosts: 800 runes
  • Note: Village of the Raging Flame: 800 runes

Isolated Merchant’s Sounding Bead 3

Location: The lone trader who drops the third pearl sits in northwestern Caelid in the secluded trader’s hut (north of the Ruins of Caelem and east of the Low Earth Tree).


  • 2x Dragon Wound Grease: 3000 Runes
  • 8x Bloody Pusfinger: 1500 runes
  • 10x gravel stone: 2000 runes
  • 1x ritual pot: 3000 runes
  • 2x Lost Ashes of War: 5000 Runes
  • Spiked Caestus: 4000 runes
  • Arrow: 20 runes
  • Serpent Arrow: 120 runes
  • Bolt: 40 runes
  • Torch driving away beasts: 1200 runes
  • Reedland Helm: 1000 runes
  • Reed Armor: 1500 Runes
  • Reed Gauntlets: 1000 runes
  • Reedland Legguards: 1000 runes
  • 3x sacrificial branch: 3000 runes
  • Note – Passage: 1200 runes
  • Note – Secret Cave: 1200 Runes
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