One Piece: This villain has never looked as sexy as her cosplay

One Piece: Holy Shit, the perfect Zorro cosplay - it doesn't get any better than this

from Matthias Brueckle
When a character in anime like One Piece isn’t pretty, it doesn’t stop cosplayers. They transform even bloodthirsty grannies into absolute eye-catchers – as this artist proves!

The world of One Piece is packed with creatively designed characters, making for hilarious jokers, sexy guys, hot ladies, and more… quirky character designs. For every hottie Trafalgar Law, there’s also a cartoon-like Raizo. And for every beautiful nami there is also the terrible one big mom. The member of the mighty Four Emperors is fearsome, incredibly strong, but everything else is beautiful. That’s not a problem for a cosplayer though – she looked into an alternative world and brought a young Big Mom to life with cosplay. We are really impressed by their work! But just keep scrolling down!

The Strongest Women in One Piece: Can you guess where Big Mom’s seat is?