Star Citizen: Chris Roberts on player growth, Squadron 42 and progress

Star Citizen: Chris Roberts on player growth, Squadron 42 and progress

If you look at the comments under our (or others) News about Star Citizen From the last few years, it becomes clear: Many players have long been sure that Cloud Imperium Games will never release a finished, working game. Chris Roberts’ ambitions are too big, and nobody is holding him back – some say. Others even use terms like vaporware or scam. Even some supporters have now written off their money because Star Citizen no longer has anything to do with the game originally advertised. Disappointment seems inevitable.

Star Citizen: Video introduces Alpha Update 3.17 “Refueling Fortunes”.

Faith is strong

But there is also the other side of the coin. There are numerous SciFi fans who firmly believe that something unique, something groundbreaking will be created at CIG. The ever increasing Funding ticker serves as proof year after year and currently stands at $463 million. More than 3.8 million Star Citizens have found the sum.

And also the figures that Chris Roberts recently published Letter to the community raushaut, read remarkably. The latest updates and events have attracted numerous new players to the Star Citizen universe. So many new players that your own expectations have been smashed. Specifically, Roberts speaks of a doubling of the rate of new customers this year. Since Alpha 3.16, 2,000 new players have been pouring into the servers every day.

The number of daily active players has increased by 50 percent since the last letter from Roberts (December 2020). Since that time, 1 million new accounts have been created, and more than half a million new players have given financial support to the project. And this week, player number 2 million logged into Star Citizen. By the end of the year, they aim to have 4 million accounts, 1 million unique logins and a $500 million crowdfunding pot.