eShop Selection 30 video

eShop Selection 30 video


Many games let you go hunting for poor little creatures. Today we present three titles in which you will become the slayer of the beasts in one way or another.

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We think that the phrase “monster-like” is very overused. So we’ve come up with something very special for today’s episode of the Nintendo eShop Games Selection: we’re introducing you to three games in which you hunt monsters. So the term fits like a glove!

But because just showing games in which you hunt monsters would be a bit lazy, we thought of something else: You will be transported to exotic locations. Ones that only video games can bring you. Which you would still like to have as a postcard. It doesn’t matter whether you catch and feed snack animals there, assemble your own squad of dungeon helpers or become a game warden.

Today’s games:

The fine print: The video is a commissioned work for Nintendo, which also chose the games; the recorded game scenes and moderation texts come from us. The next video will follow in a few weeks.

Enjoy watching!