WoW Dragonflight: Fan designs talent calculator for new talent trees

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from Sarah Petzold
After Blizzard released the first talent trees for druids and death knights in WoW: Dragonflight, fans can now put their hands on the new talents with a simulation: A WoW player has designed his own talent calculator.

When the new WoW expansion Dragonflight comes out, longtime WoW veterans can look forward to the return of the talent trees. The developers have already shown in various previews exactly what these new talent trees, which will replace the talent matrix introduced with Mists of Pandaria, look like. The first talent trees for druids and death knights already exist – including all skills. A WoW fan now goes one step further and has created a talent calculator for the talent trees available so far.

WoW Dragonflight: UI updates and talent tree comeback in the video preview

Fully implemented talent trees for druids and death knights

Reddit user Essk_MT has published a Dragonflight talent tree simulator on his website Mythic Trap that allows players to experiment with the talents:

The two talent trees already published by Blizzard, Druid and Death Knight, including all specializations, are currently available.