Diablo Immortal: How to increase your battle rating

Diablo Immortal attributes

The combat rating in Diablo Immortal indicates the strength of the character and is comparable to the Gearscore in games like WoW or Lost Ark. In some places, a certain combat rating is also required in order to be able to participate. But how exactly do you increase the combat rating and which values ​​are particularly important?

How can I increase the battle rating? The combat rating is basically tied to your equipment. So it needs to be improved. This can be done using several methods:

  • You can find rarer and better gear in the game
  • You can upgrade your existing equipment
  • You can build gems into your sockets in equipment
  • You can level up these gems and use them to further improve your equipment
  • Later you can upgrade the Reliquary of Hell

However, your character’s level has no effect on combat rating.

Where can you see the battle rating? To see your own combat rating, you simply have to open the inventory in the game. There you will find a small symbol on the left below your character, on which a person is shown. Click on it and then select “More Attributes”.

The combat rating is then displayed at the top.

Diablo Immortal attributes

Proper use of armor and gems

What is the easiest way to get a better combat rating? About new gear or upgrading the ones you already have. Because strong equipment has a direct impact on your combat rating.

You can upgrade your equipment at a blacksmith. You don’t have to worry about wasting materials on weak equipment. Because Diablo Immortal offers a transfer system with which you can transfer the upgrades from old equipment to the new one.

If you really want to further increase your combat rating, you need legendary gems. But it is precisely these that are criticized because they are the easiest and fastest to get with real money.

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If you have arrived in the endgame, you could also further increase your combat rating by improving your Reliquary of Hell. You get trophies for defeating bosses that give your character a stat bonus.

Exactly these bonuses are important to further increase your combat rating.

Where is a special combat rating required? A special combat rating is required for raids. This is 420, which most players should reach around level 44-50.

The rating is also relevant in content such as challenge portals or the path of blood. The rating requirements determine how difficult the content is. If your rating is higher, you will take less damage and dish out more. If it is lower, you collect more and opponents receive less damage.

How did you improve your combat rating? And how far have you gotten with it?

If you are looking for tips on how to level up quickly, you will find them here:

XP Wall in Diablo Immortal: 5 tips for leveling when the story has stopped
