Netflix: How to Sell Drugs Online (Fast) is getting a spin-off starring Bjarne Mädel

Netflix: How to Sell Drugs Online (Fast) is getting a spin-off starring Bjarne Mädel

Updated June 10, 2022: The hit Netflix series How to Sell Drugs Online (Fast) gets a spin-off with Bjarne Mädel as gangster Buba. A date has now been set: Am 3rd August crowd favorite Buba reports with his origin story return.

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With the third German Netflix production “How to Sell Drugs Online (Fast)”, the streaming service landed another series hit after “Dark” and “Dogs of Berlin”. Developed by Philipp Käßbohrer, Matthias Murmann, Stefan Titze and Sebastian Colley, the idea for the series is based on a true story: Moritz and his best friend Lenny set up Europe’s largest online drug store just to impress his ex-girlfriend and win him back.

As the story progresses, however, the youngster points to the teenage version of Bryan Cranston’s Walter White from “Breaking Bad” – albeit not quite as brutally. Although he doesn’t manufacture the drugs himself, his successful business idea soon attracts various criminal organizations – and they don’t take a joke. This also includes the Drug dealer Buba. A third season has now appeared on Netflix. Whether there will be more seasons remains to be seen.

First story details on the prequel film Buba

Netflix has confirmed the plans for the spin-off “Buba” to the series “How to Sell Drugs Online (Fast)” with the successful duo Arne Feldhusen and Bjarne Mädel. The two have already successfully designed the earlier series hit “The Crime Scene Cleaner” together and also worked on “Stromberg”. While Girls’ appearance on the Netflix series didn’t last past the first season, Arne Feldhusen remains involved in the production of the series.

“Buba” film with Bjarne Mädel © Netflix

The prequel film “Buba” follows Jakob Otto, known as Buba, who has a problem: Whenever things get too good for him, something terrible happens shortly afterwards. Since the tragic accidental death of his parents, Jakob has firmly believed that he has to balance out all the good feelings in his life. Together with his brother Dante, he has therefore developed a system to make his everyday life as uncomfortable as possible. It works quite well for more than thirty years, but then something happens that nobody expected: the small-town criminal falls in love. And with Jacob’s feelings, his problems grow too.

Other leading roles in the series include Georg Friedrich as Dante’s brother, Anita Vulescia as Jule and Maren Kroymann as Buba’s mother Doro Otto, Michael Schertenleib as Ilir and Michael Ostrowski as clan member Abnor. The script was written by How to Sell Drugs Online (Fast) creators Sebastian Colley and Isaiah Michalski, and directed by Arne Feldhusen.

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