Final Fantasy 16 offers us exactly what we want: fights with other Espers

Both Domini and Benedikta can summon their own Espers.

Both Domini and Benedikta can summon their own Espers.

Both Domini and Benedikta can summon their own Espers.

In the Germany-exclusive interview with Naoki Yoshida, we were able to elicit some interesting information about the latest Final Fantasy offshoot from the producer. In addition to the combat system, skills and companions, it was also about the huge summons. These “espers” and their importance for the story are the focus of the second part of the interview.

Fight against godlike beings

As the latest trailer has shown, the incantations called “espers” play a major role in FF16 and should also be used in the conflict between the realms of the land of Valisthea. It is not for nothing that Yoshida compares the giant godlike beings with modern “weapons of mass destruction”.

You can watch the trailer again for yourself here:

Final Fantasy 16 reveals many summons and release windows with trailer


Final Fantasy 16 reveals many summons and release windows with trailer

Once again to remember: In Final Fantasy 16, each Esper can only be summoned by a single person, called a Dominus. One of them is Joshua Rosfield, son of the Archduke of Rosaria and Dominus the Esper Phoenix. In the game, however, we don’t slip into his role, but that of his older brother Clive. Contrary to the expectations of his family, Clive has not awakened to Dominus, instead he was chosen as the protector of the phoenix and can therefore control part of its fire.

After we could see in the trailer how the huge espers effectively fight each other, we naturally wanted to know if we could also fight them with Clive. The short answer to that: Yes, Clive will also take on Espers directly in the game. What’s more, he can even control his own Esper:

The magnitudes of battles in FF16 vary quite a bit. There will be battles where Clive fights waves of smaller enemies and there will be battles where he fights a single giant enemy like an Esper. And of course there will also be Esper-versus-Esper fights where Clive can control an Esper of his own.

Anyone who has paid attention to the lore should of course pay attention here in amazement. After all, we know that, contrary to expectations, Clive did not become the Dominus of Phoenix, but his younger brother. Of course, that leaves a lot of room for speculation, because at the same time we also know that the Esper Ifrit will have an influence on Clive’s story.

In Final Fantasy 16, the Espers can also compete directly against each other.

In Final Fantasy 16, the Espers can also compete directly against each other.

The FF16 producer didn’t want to tell us whether Clive will control the fire esper Ifrit himself, but at least he gave us a tongue-in-cheek story teaser that doesn’t bode well for Clive’s brother:

There is another important rule about Espers in Final Fantasy 16: There is only one Esper per element like lightning or fire or wind. So of course people are wondering, if there’s only one esper per element and we already have phoenix associated with fire, what about that other esper… and that’s all we can say.

The Espers as Battlesuit

Although Ifrit is described as a “mysterious dark esper” in the official description, these beings are said to be neither inherently good nor evil. Rather, they reflect the character of their domini when summoned. An Esper is not simply summoned in Final Fantasy 16, but rather conjured up on the Dominus himself, so that the person becomes an Esper:

For example, in the trailer we see Garuda and we know that the character Benedikta is the Dominus of Garuda, so Garuda can summon and become him. You can see how evil this Garuda looks and that is based on what kind of person Benedikta is. If the Dominus of Garuda were a gentler person in another age, then of course Garuda would be gentler there too.

So the espers not only play an important role in the story, but also in the fights. As we were also able to learn, Clive should not only use his own Esper, but can even combine the skills of different Espers. You can read everything we know about this and the combat system in the first part of the interview:

Final Fantasy 16 Interview: Combat System


more on the subject

Final Fantasy 16 Interview: Combat System

In it, we not only learned more about Clive’s abilities and the Final Fantasy 16 skill system, but also more about his team members and an AI buddy who stands by our side in battle.

What do you think of the new information about Final Fantasy 16? Do you have any theories for the story?