WoW Dragonflight: Release at the end of 2022 too early? Blizzard is taking a big risk

WoW and Co.: If after an emotional loss it is no longer possible for the time being... (1)

After the announcement of WoW Dragonflight and the gameplay snippets shown there, all players actually agreed that we will spend quite a while in the shadow lands. But then Blizzard came around the corner with the announcement that the waiting time would be much shorter. WoW Dragonflight will be released no later than December 31, 2022, which is later this year. At least as long as no relevant shift follows. But instead of being happy that the unpopular Shadowlands will soon be over and that we will get new content, skepticism prevails in the community. Can it work to get Dragonflight out that fast? Is Blizzard in danger of screwing it up? Because for many, Dragonflight is a make-or-break expansion.

Extremely short alpha and beta phase

A release later this year means Dragonflight will have its shortest alpha/beta period in a long time. Even if the test servers were to start up today and Dragonflight would not be released until New Year’s Eve, the test phase would be shorter than with previous expansions. For comparison, this is how long the test phase lasted for the previous expansions: MoP: 188 days, WoD: 224 days, Legion: 281 days, BfA: 188 days, Shadowlands: 228 days.

World of Warcraft | Dragonflight – the new expansion

If the test server starts today, Sunday June 26th, and Dragonflight appears on December 31st, that would also be 188 days. Doesn’t sound that unrealistic in theory. However, there is still nothing on the horizon from alpha servers and Blizzard has only recently started the WotLK beta. They will probably throw the next one after them not a few days later. And one can assume that the extension will probably not be launched at the end of December.

Because a release right before Christmas might be nice for the players, but certainly not for the developers. If you then consider the World First Race, we’re more likely to be talking about a release at the end of November. There are also three important points about Dragonflight in which the expansion differs from its predecessors and why a test phase that lasts longer than usual should actually be necessary.