Hunt Showdown: What Happens When You Die?

Hunt Showdown: What Happens When You Die?

The horror shooter Hunt: Showdown relies on a permadeath mechanism where you can theoretically lose everything if you die. In this article you can find out exactly how this works and why you only theoretically lose everything.

How does death work in Hunt? First and foremost, we need to distinguish between in-match death and a truly definitive Hunt death:

  • If you have other players, you can still be picked up and rescued
  • If you’re alone in the match and die or don’t get out of the round, you’re dead for good
  • But dead doesn’t mean that you don’t get any experience at all, your bloodline still levels up

This means the game is a little more challenging solo and you still have a few tries in a group before it’s finally over for you. In the following, we explain exactly how this works and why, no matter what happens, you still make progress.

That means your final death

When am I really dead? Final death occurs when you die alone in a match or get the “You’re Dead” screen and the sound goes muffled. From this moment on, your character, also known as a hunter, is considered dead and cannot be saved.

What happens then is quickly explained: You lose everything the hunter had with him and also the character itself. For the round that you didn’t survive, you also only get half the bloodline experience.

Watch the trailer for Hunt: Showdown here:

Hunt: Showdown Launch Trailer

What is bloodline experience? Bloodline defines your cross-match progression in Hunt: Showdown. Whether you lose a match and die or emerge from the fight alive, you’ll earn experience points to your bloodline for what you’ve done in-game.

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This increases your bloodline level from 1 to 100. As you progress through the bloodline, you unlock new abilities, weapons, and equipment that you can then use with new hunters. This is the only type of sure progression available in Hunt: Showdown.

The team can still save you

How does death work in match? Now it gets a little more complicated. The prerequisite for everything that follows now is that you play in a team of two or three. If you die alone in a round, there is only the final death, which has already been described above.

If you die as a team, you can be helped back up. However, this does not work endlessly and is determined by the number of your life bars. This can vary from hunter to hunter. A hunter has a total of 150 life points, while the left life bar is always 50 life points. The remaining 100 are divided into either 50 or 25 bars.

With every death in the match, you permanently lose the bar on the far right. In the worst case, you have three large bars and can therefore only be picked up twice. In the best case you have five bars (the big one on the left and 4 small ones on the right) and can get up four times.

Between your hunter and your weapon you can see your hunter’s life bars

If you have exceeded this number, you are permanently dead and the scenario described above occurs. But if you somehow make it out of the entire match alive after death, you can sacrifice your hunter’s experience points to refill your missing life bars and start the next round fit.

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Recruit a new hunter and continue playing

What happens after death? If you’ve lost your hunter, that’s not the end of the world. To continue playing, you can simply recruit a new hunter and start the next match. If you run out of money, the left hunter is always free. This is your joker, so to speak, when nothing else works.

After each match, even if you win, you can reload the recruitment page and be presented with fresh hunters if you don’t like the current ones.

Special feature for beginners: If you’ve been wondering what the hell I’m talking about, you’re probably under level 10. Because until you hit bloodline level 10, you’re under some kind of puppy protection.

If you die, you lose absolutely nothing. All you have to do is refill your hunter’s health bars, but keep the good guy in your repertoire. But be careful, because as soon as you reach level 11, this hunter is also lost if you lose out in the bayou again.

So that you can also win your first rounds, we have prepared the best 6 weapons and loadouts for the start.