Let Me Solo Her: Legendary Elden Ring Player Receives Gift From Publisher

Games Aktuell Podcast 723: Perennial favorites, canceled masterpieces and Kojima's "The Boys"

The “Let Me Solo Her” player has been enjoying an almost for a while legendary reputation within the Elden Ring community. He succeeded in doing this with his crazy and ingenious actions, such as the “naked” solo kills of bosses in the action role-playing game FromSoftware. This reputation is now also up to the publisher Bandai Namco advanced, of the tireless commitment of the player want to reward.

A mysterious gift for Let Me Solo Her

Recently, “Let Me Solo Her” spoke up via Reddit.com, explaining that he hasn’t been idle in the recent past. Rather, according to his own statements, he succeeded in now 2,000. Kill by Malenia in Elden Ring (buy now €53.98 /€50.99 ) to perform. As recently as May of this year, the kill counter was at 1,000, which is also a remarkable achievement represented. After all, he always kicks the bosses completely naked and equipped only with a headgear opposite.

Furthermore, the player explained that Bandai Namco contacted him some time ago to let him know that a special gift is on the way to him. However, so far not knownwhat’s in the package, because it was first at customs in France been stopped. Only after some paperwork could be done did the journey continue to the USA. Apparently it was going there without further complications through the controls and should be making its way onto “Let Me Solo Her” shortly. His fans are already very curiouswhich Bandai Namco gave him as a gift.
