The Lord of the Rings: Gollum shows first gameplay in new trailer

Der Herr der Ringe Peter Jackson Lieblingsszene

The Lord of the Rings: Gollum will be the next big adventure in Lord of the rings-Universe. The game is from Daedelic Entertainment is being developed and is scheduled for September 1, 2022 for personal computer, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S and Nintendo Switch appear.

A new trailer now shows real gameplay scenes for the first time middle earth. As expected, The Lord of the Rings: Gollum focuses on everything stealth elements and the creative advancement in the of JRR Tolkien imagined world.

The Lord of the Rings: Gollum – see the trailer here

Of the Trailers is with scarce 1.5 minutes relatively clear, but shows some important elements of “The Lord of the Rings: Gollum”. The style is appropriate grim and rough. You can check out the gameplay footage here:

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In most Action RPGs we control powerful heroes with a lot of athleticism, finesse and experience in handling weapons. In that regard, The Lord of the Rings: Gollum offers variety. The bustling one gollum crawls more than he walks, as we already know from the films, he is very emaciated and does not correspond at all to the cliché of the shining heroes.

The one shown gameplay actually looks pretty familiar. gollum can be in tall grass hideon certain walls climb, dive and Distract opponents with thrown objects. Fight scenes are not shown, so it remains unclear whether gollum can also eliminate individual opponents, or whether we have to complete each level unseen.

An epic story

the story tells the story of gollumwho after losing the a ring through middle earth until after mordor travels The scenes in the trailer promise some exciting characters like Gandalf or the ringwraiths. When designing the world and the characters, however, you tend to stick to the descriptions from the books and not the designs from the movies.

If all goes well, Middle-earth fans can expect am September 1 an epic adventure from an unusual perspective.