WoW: The Paladin in Dragonflight – our expectations, our wishes

WoW Dragonflight: Titan Guardian

There are many classes and ways of playing in WoW that are in dire need of an overhaul with the upcoming expansion. The paladin is certainly not one of them. The three specs play relatively comfortably and in theory Blizzard could just leave them as they are. With Dragonflight, however, the new talent trees are now being introduced, which is an excellent opportunity for the developers to make minor revisions or realign the way the game is played. So of course we asked ourselves: How could you make the paladin even hotter? And who would have thought it – we came up with a whole series of ideas. Some maybe realistic, others will probably remain a pipe dream forever.

The Paladin as a class

Before we look at the individual classes, there are of course a few things that could be improved with the Paladin as such. So the Pala, who is generally known primarily as a supporter, would do well to have a few more abilities in this direction. A few better auras (at least two of them are known to be completely useless) or a group buff like the one currently possessed by mages. Or at least some useful ability that at least 13 other classes don’t have.

We can see the range of support abilities growing with Dragonflight and the introduction of the class talent tree. Our wish for that is probably rather unrealistic Divine intervention celebrates its comeback. But that would be a unique ability that only the paladin has and that fits the class perfectly. Sacrifice yourself in order to take a group member out of the fight and protect them from death – more paladin is not possible. Gief, pls!