Cosplay: The craziest low-cost player of all time

Stranger Things: Cosplayer turns the Upside Down into an evening dress (1)

from Susan Brown
Which cosplay manages to put together a cosplay of their favorite characters from film, series, manga and pop culture in just a few days? Not many, right? And who manages to do that every day? Only the most zealous can do that … or the craziest low-costplay cosplayer of all time: the artist lowcostplayth from Thailand.

Low-cost play is a type of cosplay that keeps making the rounds. Just recently, Bungie’s Destiny developers launched a low-cost-play cosplay contest, and some of the biggest Destiny fans have impressive low-cost plays delivered. But most of the participants make the whole thing out of jokes and dollery. But what if, as an artist, you dedicate your heart and soul to low-cost play? Meet lowcostplayth from the Thai capital Bangkok… and love it!

Low cost play with attention to detail

lowcostplayth benefits from two very simple things in its artistic implementation of characters from film, television, cinema, or simply in the reproduction of company logos, namely from the perspective and from direct comparison with the template – there are photos and screenshots. If lowcostplayth were to perform their cosplays live anywhere, the whole look would fall apart faster than you low-costplay can tell. With a little patience and the right perspective, however, lowcostplayth can create a few super cool motifs. Here is a selection!

One of the latest entries matches the current season finale of Stranger Things. lowcostplayth recreates Elfie aka Eleven with some toilet paper.

From time to time, two cats and a few cut-out details are enough for a low-cost play.

You can’t help but call it creative! Godzilla, charging up his destructive atomic breath, performs lowcostplayth using a string of blue lights he tapes to his foot.

In this picture you can see the game with the perspective perfectly documented. This is how a watermelon turns into an anime (kickers, let’s assume) lawn.

Also particularly creative is Vogue’s Billie Eilish cover, which simply mimics lowcostplayth with a palm frond and two large potted plant leaves.

Thanks to creativity and imagination, lowcostplayth can even cosplay Internet Explorer’s logo.