Return to Monkey Island: New Game Clip will bring back memories for you

Return to Monkey Island: New Game Clip will bring back memories for you

Ready for a dose of nostalgia? There are a few seconds of new footage from Return to Monkey Island.

And this new clip brings back fond memories of Guybrush Threepwood’s early adventures.

A well-known jetty

We see Guybrush marching across a familiar footbridge on Melee Island. There is a ship in the background and the Scumm Bar can also be seen. Guybrush is currently not interested in that.

“New surveillance video on #MonkeyIslandMonday!” wrote Dave Grossman on Twitter. “A strange man strides purposefully across the Melee Dock, ignoring the pelicans and the bar as if he must be somewhere else and has a devilish riddle to solve…”

More Return to Monkey Island news:

It remains to be seen whether the puzzles in Return to Monkey Island are really that devilish. What do you think of the cutout?

Return to Monkey Island will be released later this year. So far, versions for PC and Nintendo Switch have been confirmed.

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