Return to Monkey Island: Short video shows Guybrush on Mêlée Island – News

Return to Monkey Island: Short video shows Guybrush on Mêlée Island - News

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There Ron Gilbert currently no longer in the mood to post new content Return to Monkey Island to publish, his colleague jumps for him Dave Grossman into the breach. on Twitter he speaks up and at the same time indicates that new Monkey Island content can be expected on a Monday:

New Surveillance Video for #MonkeyIslandMonday! A strange man strides purposefully across the Melee dock, ignoring the pelicans and the bar as if he has some devilish riddle to solve… Ron, did you see that?

And indeed, in the short snippet that you will find at the end of this news, you can get a good idea of ​​how the well-known surroundings of the Mêlée Island dock will feel in the new part. If you look closely, you can see a few nice details: The “Elect Governor Marley” poster from the first part has apparently been pasted over, the ship from the first teaser seems to be in the background, and the beloved SCUMM bar is still open.

Return to Monkey Island will be released later this year for MacOS, PC and Switch.