Diablo Immortal: This is the best way to get the coveted legendary gems now – for free

Diablo Immortal: This is the best way to get the coveted legendary gems now - for free

With the latest update of Diablo Immortal, you can get legendary gems more easily and in several ways. A fan has calculated how you, as a pure Free2Play player, can get the most out of the changes.

This has changed: With the July 20th update 1.5.2, you have several options to get Legendary Gems now:

  • by participating in troop activities, you will get a legendary emblem for platinum every week
  • Legendary emblems are rewarded in events, including the Starving Moon event, which returns at the end of July
  • you can now also buy emblems from the jeweler for fa runes

This yields a minimum of 2 Emblems per week if you complete all tasks, and up to 13 Emblems per month depending on events and your activity. Immortals get another emblem against Hilt anyway.

For Free2Play players, however, the most interesting thing is the fa runes, because you mainly need them to get legendary gems for free. You get the sparks from Elder Portals.

The limit for these Sparks has been increased from 200 to 280 per week – enough for 22 Fa Runes, exactly the price of a Legendary Emblem. The player Delcredere on reddit has now calculated how you can best spend the important sparks on buying and upgrading gems

How exactly you get legendary gems and how they work, we explain to you in the video:

Diablo Immortal: What are Legendary Gems? Facts and locations in 3 minutes

Emblems are the best way to get Legendary Gems

What is the best way to use the sparks? In short: farm the spark limit every week and use it to buy a legendary emblem, which you then use in an elder portal. The reason is the “compassion counter” which guarantees you a ?/5-star gem for every 50 emblems.

You can still craft gems directly, but they don’t have that compassion mechanic. Emblems are therefore more worthwhile and the change is extremely well received by many players for that reason alone.

You still have to pay attention to this: A total of 400 Sparks per week are possible: 280 by default and 120 more through the use of Rare and Legendary Emblems.

On this basis, Delkredere has calculated the following values, that on average you will receive just over 4 gem powers per week, which you need to upgrade gems. But keep in mind that you can also sell the gems themselves from the new emblems for platinum.

Depending on the market situation on a server, it may be worth selling particularly expensive gems and buying cheaper ones in order to destroy them for gem power. In principle, however, you should be able to achieve the greatest return by buying emblems and using them.

By the way, gem power is not lost when upgrading gems. It just blends into the new gem. So if you want to use the new class change, but need other gems for this, you can simply use your old ones in the new ones.

In our guide we tell you everything about changing classes and in the video we show you how to change your class:

Diablo Immortal: How to change class

But keep in mind that the old stone will be destroyed. If you’re considering going back to the old class, it’s best to keep the gem, especially if it’s a particularly rare or valuable one.

If you are on the hunt for a specific gem, you should keep an eye on the auction house anyway. We’ll tell you here how you can get platinum by the way:

Diablo Immortal: This is how you create a perfect spell and earn platinum along the way
