LoL: The worst champ in LoL just keeps getting worse, but people still play him like crazy

LoL: The worst champ in LoL just keeps getting worse, but people still play him like crazy

In League of Legends, the blind monk Lee Sin has a terrible win rate that keeps falling: he loses more games than any other champ in LoL. Still, the champion is popular and continues to be played.

How bad is Lee Sin? Pretty bad:

  • In the platinum and above category, his win rate was 45.53% – that was the worst win rate in LoL ever. With that, the already weak win rate has dropped even further, like the site Dotsports White.
  • Similarly bad at the time were Pantheon (45.57%), Ryze (45.75%) and Miss Fortune (46.1%).
  • At the Jungle position, Lee Sin is by far the weakest champion: his winrate is more than 2% below the “next-worst champion”, Viego.

LoL keeps adding new champions. Riot Games must make an effort to discover new game concepts:

LoL: Trailer shows new champion Nilah – Is so mobile that you can not escape

Lee Sin: Popularity top – performance flop

What is amazing about Lee Sin? All other heroes that have a win rate below 47% are played relatively infrequently:

  • From Ryze or Pantheon are on the stat page etc only about 20,000 matches documented at platinum or above.
  • From Miss Fortunte even just under 12,000 games.
  • However, Lee Sin has played 165,319 games at Platinum level or above, making him one of the 11 most popular champions in the game overall. In the jungle, he is the third most popular champion, only Kayn and Diana are more popular.

We have a phenomenon where a lot of people play a champion they lose with.

No one wanted to play the least popular champ in LoL history, even if he won every match

Lee Sin has won world championships before, but that was 3 years ago

Why is that? Lee Sin is one of the most famous jungle champions in LoL in recent years: Korean pro junglers like Tian have achieved great success with Lee Sin 2019 and made him an iconic champion. They demonstrated how great Lee Sin can work in the jungle – when real experts play him in a harmonious top team.

He is considered a strong “support jungler” who can open and decide team fights. But for that he needs a strong team play.

However, Lee Sin is now out of fashion after many patch changes to the meta:

  • In recent pro tournaments, the trend has been more towards “carry champions” like Graves, who level up and then are unstoppable in the endgame.
  • The most successful junglers in the current meta at Platinum or higher are heroes like Fiddlesticks, Rek’Sai, Trundle, Wukong or Zac.

Lee Sin is considered a hero for absolute masters

How is Lee Sin discussed? on reddit Lee Sin is considered one of the “most difficult champions in League of Legends to master”: It is mechanically demanding to hit with his skill shots, according to a discussion.

In addition, he is simply not a carry champion: even if you play outstandingly, you cannot decide a match alone if your own ADC fails.

Lee Sin has an extremely high “skill ceiling”: Outstandingly strong players can do a lot with him – but it’s difficult to consistently perform well with Lee Sin.

So looks like Lee Sin is a champion’s case:

  • where you love watching professionals dominate with him
  • One that you like to play yourself because it fulfills a clear “power fantasy” and feels “right”.
  • i.ebut he loses more often than any other champion in LoL on averagebecause it is very tricky to fully master it

Poor Ryze is in a similar situation to Lee Sin in League of Legends:

A mage is by far the worst champion in LoL right now – Why is Ryze so bad?