Pokémon GO: Research breakthrough in August brings Galarian Flunschlik – is it worth it?

Pokémon GO Galar Flunschlik

Like every month, August brings a new research breakthrough to Pokémon GO. Galarian Flunschlik is your reward this time. But what is the monster good for?

What is a research breakthrough? In Pokémon GO, you can earn a Research Stamp every day by completing Field Research. One quest per day is enough to get the stamp.

As soon as you collect 7 stamps, you will receive the “Research Breakthrough”. There is always a special Pokémon hiding behind it, which you can then catch.

In August, this Pokémon is Galar Flunschlik.

Research breakthrough with Galar Flunschlik – Period and Shiny

When is Galar Flunschlik in Research Breakthrough? Galarian Flunschlik will appear in Breach starting August 1st at 10:00 CEST and then remain there for the entire month until August 31st. Until then, you can still grab the predecessor Schlurp.

What kind of Pokémon is Galarian Flunschlik? Galarian Flunschlik is the alternate version of the “normal” Flunschlik. It is of the Ground and Steel type and does not bring any evolution.

Can Galarian Flunschlik be Shiny? Yes, you can also catch a shiny version of the monster via Research Breakthrough. However, the chance of it is small and you need a lot of luck.

Pokemon GO galar flunschlik

Is the research breakthrough with Galar Flunschlik worth it?

It is so strong: Whether or not Galarian Flunschlik is of any use to you depends on what content you prefer to play in Pokémon GO.

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If you enjoy PvP, then Galarian Flunschlik is a very good catch for you. Because the Ground/Steel Pokémon is one of the best monsters that you can use in both the Super League and the Hyper League. In the Hyperliga, however, you should bring it to the maximum level so that it can fully exploit its strengths.

Overall, however, a Galar Flunschlik with Clay Shot, Stone Hail, and Earthquake is a strong option in PvP.

Are you mostly into raids and arena battles? Then Galarian Flunschlik will get you no further. In the PvE modes, there are many other attackers that are just better suited.

You can see an overview of the best attackers here:

Pokémon GO: The strongest attackers of all types in the video

Is Galar Flunschlik worth it? It’s a classic case of “it depends”. If you only play PvE, you probably don’t need it. Then it’s more of a case for Pokédex completion and a chance at a Shiny variant. On top of that, Galar Flunschlik has been in the game since 2020—there’s a good chance you already have it.

If you are a PvP fan, the breakthrough can be worth it. It’s a good option for collecting Galar Flunschlik Candy and crafting a good one for the League.

In addition to the research breakthrough, there is also a lot going on in the coming month. Here you can find all events in August 2022 at Pokémon GO.
