Destiny 2 players despair of the grind – “It’s the first game that doesn’t respect my time.”

Destiny 2 players despair of the grind - "It's the first game that doesn't respect my time."

In Destiny 2, after completing the campaign, it’s all about grinding the best loot. However, the effort involved in obtaining this continues to increase and is now forcing even hard-boiled farmers to their knees.

Inflation also in Destiny 2: Not only is the real world struggling with inflation, so is the world of Guardians. Players complain about incredibly hard grind for minimal loot output. It’s about the targeted focus of the Umbral Engrams and the Bright Dust Shop of Eververse.

Players of the space shooter now have to spend hours earning the currency they need in activities, only to lose it again for overpriced and rising prizes. That’s why players are finally demanding balanced prices from Bungie so that no more iron reserves have to be plundered and soon more Guardians will be bankrupt.

Destiny 2 does not respect Guardians’ time

On various platforms, the community is already discussing the steadily increasing prices, the non-decreasing effort and the impudence of Destiny 2. Many complain that the space shooter is the only game that does not respect the time of the guardians.

It’s being wildly discussed in the community: on reddit and MeinMMO, newcomers and veterans alike discuss Destiny 2 shopping states. Players will be milked as they seek their god-roll for that one seasonal weapon. The reddit user shares nihhtwing his experience with the overpriced prices in the loot shooter.

I spent my entire stash of 20,000 Legendary Shards on Rahool to get a QD + KC The Old Fashioned. I never got one. To this day I am constantly stuck under 200 fragments. I’m a D1Y1 veteran who has played Destiny to some degree every year. I have thousands of hours on the clock, I’m playing close to 100 hours a week and because of my focus on engram focusing and buying stuff from Xur I’m currently stuck at 1 legendary shard. Damn ONE. I’ll never get out of this hole of poverty unless I give it to focus engrams and shop at Xur, and I absolutely hate it. […]

And our MeinMMO users also complain about the current prices and conditions, especially when looking at Everversum. Here’s what Lionel the Boss says in our Bright Dust Guide:

[…] Everything in Eververse is so expensive! In the meantime, the prices for shaders have also increased by 650% (from 40 to 300 bright dust (GS)) Inflation kicks in. […]

Lionel himself says that the only farmable source of bright dust cannot be used optimally for farming. Too much time is required for players to finally get or buy what they want. Guardians either throw all their Glimmer or their planetary resource pool on their heads just to be able to buy a cool ship for 2000 Bright Dust, says Lionel. The amount you can earn per time is out of all proportion to the prices Bungie charges in the game.

Guardians require adjustments: On reddit, players are demanding adjustments to the amount of legendary shards that can be played. They want an activity that will swamp you and not force you to waste hours doing the same activities just to have a chance to focus an engram.

The grind is a big part of Destiny 2, but it shouldn’t spoil the fun of the loot shooter with overpriced prices.

What do you think of the prices and the effort involved in earning the currencies for them? Do you think they are justified or does Bungie have to adjust the prices? Let us know in the comments!