Star Citizen: New Alpha update brings event and up to 100 players per server

Star Citizen: New Alpha update brings event and up to 100 players per server

With version 3.17.2, the latest alpha update for Star Citizen was released today.

And said update also has a few interesting innovations for all players in its luggage.

This is what update 3.17.2 offers for Star Citizen

New features include the dynamic event Siege of Orison. A new location awaits you here and the event focuses primarily on FPS battles.

On top of that, the update increases server capacity. Instead of 50, up to 100 players can now be active on a server. According to the developers, it is the next step on the way to server meshing.

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What else is there? For example, illegal delivery missions, the vehicle Anvil Centurion is also available in the game and NPCs can now navigate the terrain of a planet and even drop off reinforcements.

There are also other mission types and five abandoned outposts in the Stanton system waiting for you.

Here’s the trailer for the update: