The cutest pair of elves in WoW are getting married – but we probably won’t see it

WoW Thalyssra Lorthemar elves in love titel title 1920x1080

Two elves in World of Warcraft exchange vows. But the players are dissatisfied, because you will probably not experience that in the game.

Most of World of Warcraft is about war and cosmic threats. The interpersonal – or inter-elf – character development sometimes falls a little short. Fans were all the more pleased when Blizzard published a short story in 2020 in which the first arcanist Thalyssra from the nightborne and Lor’themar Theron from the blood elves became closer.

In the latest expansion, Dragonflight, that relationship seems to deepen with a wedding. But I guess we’re not there.

Which elves are you talking about? We are talking about the first arcanist Thalyssra, who currently leads the nightborne (Shal’dorei) and Lor’themar Theron, the lord regent of the blood elves (Sin’dorei). Since patch 8.2 and the dive to Naz’jatar, there has been a crackling between the two. The first flirts later turned into a visit to Suramar with romantic food and lots of teasing.

In Dragonflight we learn that the two have apparently given the yes word, because this development is being talked about. The dialog found (via reddit) in translated form by us goes like this:

Lor’themar Theron: A few years have passed since our forces returned from the Shadowlands.

First Arcanist Thalyssra: As a matter of fact. We are fortunate that we had at least a brief respite from all the horrors and hardships.
Otherwise you would have found an excuse to reject my application.

Lorthemar Theron: your proposal? I’m pretty sure I proposed to you, Thalyssra.

First Arcanist Thalyssra: Lor’themar Theron! You’re such a person of duty that you would have postponed our wedding in Silvermoon City because of a crooked picture.
How lucky I was that both our kingdoms heard our oaths. Otherwise you’d still be trying to deny that we ever gave it to each other.

Lor’themar Theron: Deny the happiest moment of my life? Never.
Whether under the light of the sun or the glow of the moon. I will love you as long as I live, Thalyssra.

Can we witness the wedding? That is not clear yet. Since the wedding is obviously taking place between Shadowlands and Dragonflight, the chances are slim. It is most likely that the wedding will be the subject of a book that traditionally appears shortly before the new expansion.

However, some have also theorized that there might be a dungeon or bronze dragonflight scenario in which to witness the wedding – and perhaps stop saboteurs from foiling the event.

WoW Thalyssra Lorthemar elves in love titel title 1920x1080
Love stories have been picking up a bit in WoW for a while.

In any case, it would be a pity if this wedding in the game could only be perceived through this dialogue. It’s quite a big event, after all, when Thalyssra says “both kingdoms heard the oaths” – so it must have been a big, public event with a lot of fanfare.

In addition, some players are wondering how an elf wedding actually works, because such processes are not actually known in the World of Warcraft community.

Marriage confirms the time jump: A few days ago, dialogues were discovered in the game that suggested a time jump. These dialogs were probably output by an error. The fact that more of these dialogues have now appeared, which not only speak of the time jump, but also of an important story development (namely the wedding), makes it relatively clear that this was not just a short idea, but probably belongs to reality.

So it will be several years between Shadowlands and Dragonflight – whatever that means for the World of Warcraft.

What do you think of this pair of elves? Would you like to see the wedding in the game?