FIFA 23: Career mode featured in the Deep Dive trailer

FIFA 23 (Sport) von EA Sports

In just a few weeks, FIFA 23 will guide football simulation fans through another season. But first, EA beats the drum again and shows us the new career mode.

All sorts of changes have been made to this. We can still decide whether we want to pursue a career as a player or as a manager of the team. However, the so-called “playable highlights” are new. How were these implemented and what new features can you expect with the career mode in FIFA 23?

Deep Dive: New features introduced in FIFA 23’s career mode

In the course of its Deep Dive series, EA has been throwing the spotlight on other areas of FIFA 23 that are affected by innovations over the past few days. The first eleven minutes of the series were recently devoted to gameplay improvements. We’ll explain in more detail elsewhere how HyperMotion 2 technology is supposed to make FIFA 23 even more realistic. Now the focus is on the career mode, which is popular with fans. First of all, a long-cherished wish of the community was implemented.

“We’ve had feedback from players who would like to step into the shoes of some of their favorite managers, and we’re excited that FIFA 23’s career mode lets them play as one of over 350 authentic football managers, with over 30 of them as star coaches count.” it says on the official website of EA. Means: Anyone who has always dreamed of Jürgen Klopp’s return to Borussia can fulfill this wish with FIFA 23, at least on the television.

As a highlight of the innovations you can certainly see the playable highlights. Instead of spending hours on end with a boring, computer-generated simulation, you can take control of the game at crucial key moments and try to turn it in your favor. But how is that supposed to work without it seeming unfair or exhausting?

This is how the playable highlights work

According to EA, the game has an extremely detailed background system. This evaluates the offensive strengths and weaknesses of both teams by comparing the players and their statistics at the respective point in the season. The main focus is on the team as a whole, the fitness of the individual players, their acuity and the morale that the team displays.

After evaluating this data, FIFA 23 calculates the number of possible scoring chances for both teams and distributes them over the full 90 minutes. Every chance triggers a playable highlight, in which we are asked to lend a hand or foot in certain situations. So it happens that we have to turn deals into offensive actions, or we can prevent a goal from being conceded by heroic intervention at the very last moment.

A wide variety of situations are conceivable: solo runs, freests, standards, counterattacks and more are among the playable highlights with which we can influence the game without going through the entire game.

More updates to FIFA 23 Career Mode

Another innovation that promises variety is the revised personality system. Depending on how we behave, one of three possible character traits grows. It’s not just actions that count, but also off the pitch. If you’ve always wanted to collect karma points in a football simulation, you’ll get some role-playing charm with the adaptation. But that’s not all: Thanks to a skill tree system, the player types also influence which improvements we gradually unlock.

Speaking of role-playing games: We already know the dynamic moments from last year. With FIFA 23 they will be improved again, so that we will be presented with even more atmospheric scenes. These mainly deal with important core experiences in our virtual life on and off the pitch.

Transfer analysis, improved financial management and an all-round optimized main menu are among the small but fine improvements that FIFA 23’s career mode has to offer.