Is Cal Kestis getting his own Star Wars series? Actor fuels rumor mill

Is Cal Kestis getting his own Star Wars series?  Actor fuels rumor mill

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order not only trumped with the all-round helpful Sidekick BD-1 on. Respawn Entertainment and Disney succeeded with Cal Kestis to create a new character who star Wars– fans should remember for a long time.

The young Padawan, who explains the events surrounding the Jedi crushing Order 66 survives, makes his own way in a galaxy far, far away.

And in doing so, he becomes Cameron Monaghan embodied. He gave the character what is known today face.

Since the character managed to win the hearts of fans, there has been constant speculation as to whether she might one day make the leap to the big screen in home cinema.

Will Cal Kestis be featured in a Star Wars series?

Especially the live-action series Obi Wan Kenobi was previously a very hot candidate after Boba Fett’s book even staged an exploration droid similar to BD-1. But there was no trace of Cal Kestis in the Kenobi series.

For now, he’s staying in his video game home. But does it have to stay like this forever? Hardly likely.

Cameron Monaghan recently commented on some rumors related to Cal Kestis’ live-action appearance.

Opposite to Screenrant he has now revealed that it is probably quite interest on the part of Disney to integrate this figure in a different form.

When asked whether he or those responsible would be interested in using the character in a live-action series, he made it clear that that was definitely the case:

“Well, of course there is interest. That’s all I can say.”

The actor can’t seem to go into detail, and that’s arguably a more important clue than the fact that there might be interests. The question is: what is Disney planning here?

Are those responsible secretly working on their own series about the character? Will the series be called “Cal Kestis” then, similar to the Obi-Wan series? Or do we even see him in Andor? Another candidate would be The Mandalorian season 3the series starts in February 2023.

But what do you think? Will we be tackling Cal Kestis in a series soon DisneyPlus see? Or will it stay with the second appearance in the video game cosmos for the time being? All information about Star Wars Jedi: Survivor you can find here.