Mario Kart 8 Deluxe hides more in some of its item boxes than meets the eye

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe still holds a secret or two for Tobi even after more than five years.

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe still holds a secret or two for Tobi even after more than five years.

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe still holds a secret or two for Tobi even after more than five years.

There aren’t many games that land in my consoles as regularly as Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. Of course, I probably don’t spend nearly as much time on the fun racer’s slopes as some of you, but I would still say that after more than five years I know many of the secrets and details of the game.

But like today’s view into the Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Reddit revealed, even after this long time there are some small details that I didn’t know yet. The following fact may not be earth shattering to many of you, but I find it interesting nonetheless.

Two instead of just one coin

Because how Redditor angwy-birb noticed, hides more in some item boxes than meets the eye at first. To be more precise, it’s about the item boxes that – supposedly – give you a coin. The icon for the item indicates that you only bag one of the shimmering coins when you activate it.

But that is not the case, because instead you will be credited with TWO coins when you activate the item. And yes, that may seem like a trifle, but it can nevertheless cause your own coin counter to shoot up faster – provided, of course, you get a lot of coin items at random.

Tobias Veltin

Tobi has followed the Mario Kart series since its inception on the SNES. He considers part 8 to be the best part so far, not least because of the almost perfectly polished gameplay and the lush scope, which he can even play with his little daughter thanks to the practical clever controls.

Coins are more important than you think

And that is not to be underestimated. Because the inconspicuous coins do serve a purpose in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. Which one exactly, I explain in this separate article:

What the coins bring and why you should not underestimate them


Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

What the coins bring and why you should not underestimate them

Aside from the coins, there are other tips and tricks that you should keep in mind on the fun racer’s routes:

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe was released in April 2017 and has been one of the most successful games for the Nintendo Switch ever since. So it’s no wonder that Nintendo will be adding more content to the title by the end of 2023: a total of 48 new routes will come into play via the booster route pass, and the second DLC wave was released at the beginning of August.

Did you already know about the two coins in the coin boxes or was that new to you too?