Last time before Dragonflight: WoW players collect all Shadowlands achievements

Last time before Dragonflight: WoW players collect all Shadowlands achievements

from Susan Brown
Congratulations to those among the WoW aficionados who reached 38,115 achievement points: the two players Xirev and Midzòr! They’ve bagged all of the Shadowlands achievements and can look forward to being one of the top achievement hunters until the release of WoW: Dragonflight (sometime in 2022).

Congratulations to the success hunters of WoW, who never get tired of setting off on dangerous and demanding adventures with every patch and every update of an expansion in order to collect all the achievements: Xirev and Midzòr. We have reported on both of them several times because they have so often succeeded in doing the almost impossible for normal players.

This time, we congratulate for the last time during the Shadowlands era: With the Fateful variant of the Mausoleum of the First becoming available on August 17, 2022 with patch 9.2.7 and in the Season 4 rotation, the hard-working Achievement Hunters could finally do the last, them bring in the remaining achievement: the Fateful Mythic Jailer.

Race for the jailer

Technically, that’s how they hold up Authors of Icy Veins the facts firmly, Midzòr won the race for world first for all achievements about an hour and a half ahead of Xirev. Xirev has a recording of his twitch stream for this. He endured a few anxious moments as his character dead snog the floor in the Jailer battle arena while his fellow raiders attempted to squeeze the last remaining health out of the Jailer. Of course, the joy about the kill was all the greater.

Congratulations to Midzòr and Xirev! We fully expect that both players, and other fans as well, will again have some head-to-head races in the upcoming WoW expansion Dragonflight while trying to collect all the achievements of the expansion and the following patches.