Dead by Daylight: Starting today, the new “Resident Evil” killer will murder you

Dead by Daylight Rebecca Stealth Ada Wong Mastermind

The latest patch in Dead by Daylight is live and brings a new killer and two survivors – but also a pretty nasty nerf.

A few hours ago, Dead by Daylight received its 29th killer, because the “Resident Evil: Project W” chapter went live. It not only brings the evil “mastermind” as a nasty tentacle killer, but also two tough women from the Resident Evil universe to face the dangers: Ada Wong and Rebecca Chambers.

We’ll tell you what all three characters can do and what you can expect from now on in the horror hunt.

What can the mastermind do? Dubbed the “Mastermind” in Dead by Daylight, Albert Wesker has quite a few cool and fresh qualities. Using his Uroboros virus, he is able to quickly injure several survivors, even pick them up directly with one attack or climb over pallets and windows. However, this comes with a disadvantage: With a radius of 40 meters, the mastermind has the largest terror radius (“heartbeat”) that a killer has in Dead by Daylight.

The Killer’s special attack allows him, after a short charge, to launch two quick attacks between which he can switch directions and even move around a bit. If a survivor is hit, they will be infected with the virus, lifted up and then thrown forward. If he collides with a wall, he suffers damage. If it hits another survivor, both suffer damage.

Dead by Daylight brings the cruel Wesker as the new “Resident Evil” killer

The virus infection progresses over time. If a survivor is completely affected, the mastermind can use his special attack to grab him directly from the attack and carry him to the next hook.

Survivors can heal themselves from the infection because there are various spray cans all over the map that contain a healing agent. The doses can be used several times, but are quite limited – at some point there is no longer any possibility of healing.

The new killer mastermind perks

Like all killers, the Mastermind also comes with 3 perks that improve one of its abilities. These are:

  • Superior Anatomy: If a survivor quickly climbs through a window or over a pallet within 8 meters, the perk activates. The next time the Killer climbs through a window, he does so 30% / 35% / 40% faster. The perk has a cooldown of 30 seconds.
  • Awakened Awareness: While carrying a Survivor, the Killer sees the aura of all other Survivors within 16/18/20 yards.
  • term: When the exit gates are powered up, this perk activates. While the perk is active, wounded, dying, and hooked Survivors with the Broken status (cannot be healed via injured) are affected until the exit gates are opened. After the exit gates are opened, the survivors remain in the “Broken” status for an additional 20 / 25 / 30 seconds.

The Mastermind’s perks are only available to him at the beginning. But you can also make them accessible to all other killers via the prestige system.

Dead by Daylight Rebecca Stealth Ada Wong Mastermind
Rebecca sneaking – will the mastermind catch her?

The new perks of the survivors Ada Wong and Rebecca Chambers

The two survivors each have three perks of their own to better escape from danger.

Ada Wong’s perks are:

  • Wiretap: After the survivor repairs a generator for 33%, this perk activates. After repairing a generator for 3 seconds, you can press the active ability button to bug the generator that stays active for 60/70/80 seconds. The bugged generator’s aura is visible to all other survivors. When the Killer is within 14 yards of the affected generator, its aura is revealed to all survivors. Damaging the generator will destroy the bug.
  • Reactive Healing: If another Survivor within 32 yards loses a health status and you are wounded, instantly increase your healing progress by 40% / 45% / 50% of the remaining progress.
  • Low profiles: When you’re the last one standing, this perk activates. Your scratch marks, blood stains and cries of pain are imperceptible for 70 / 80 / 90 seconds.

Rebecca Chambers’ perks are:

  • Better Than New: When you complete a Heal action on another Survivor, they gain a 12% / 14% / 16% speed boost on healing, chest opening, totem purification, and totem blessing. The bonus persists until the survivor is injured again.
  • Reassurance: When you get within 6 meters of a hooked Survivor, you can press the Active Skill 2 button to pause their life bar for 20/25/30 seconds. If they’re already in the second sacrifice phase, they don’t have to do any skill checks in the meantime either. The perk can only be triggered once per Survivor and Sacrifice phase.
  • hyperfocus: When you get a great skill check while healing or repairing, this perk gets a badge. Each badge increases the chance of a skill check by 4%, the speed of the check by 4% and the bonus progression for great achievements by 10% / 20% / 30% of the base value. The perk loses all badges if you get a normal success, fail a check, or cancel the action in any way.

The perks of the two survivors are initially only available to themselves. You can also unlock them for all other survivors with the prestige system.

Dead by Daylight Mastermind throwing Rebecca
The killer can throw the survivors – and that packs a punch.

What else has changed? Arguably the biggest change is to the Raccoon City Police Department map. In the future it will be divided into two smaller maps, i.e. either the east wing or the west wing of the police station. Both maps are a little smaller, but have been expanded to include new outdoor areas so that there are still enough paths for exciting chases.

At the last moment, the developers “smuggled in” a nerf to the popular survivor perk “Blast Mine”. This perk allows survivors to repair an explosive charge on the generator. Up to now it was the case that the temporal expiry of a mine meant that a new one could be placed directly. Now you have to earn the next mine again by making progress on the generator again. It was not revealed why the developers made this change.

From there, there are now also streamer functions. For example, you can hide the names of your fellow players or your own on the screen or add a small, random delay when queuing, so that “stream sniping” and targeting a streamer is no longer so easy.

How much does the chapter cost? The price of the Resident Evil: Project W chapter is a bit bigger than usual. Instead of the usual €7, you have to shell out €12 for the new killer and the two survivors in the bundle. Since the chapter comes with a total of 3 characters, the higher price is probably justified, but everyone has to decide for themselves whether they want to pay it.

Since these are licensed characters, they can only be purchased with real money or real-money currency (“Auric Cells”). A purchase using the in-game currency that can be earned is not possible in this case.

What do you think of the new killer in Dead by Daylight?