Valve confirms: Several games are currently in development!

Valve warns: Your Steam Deck isn't good at heat!  (1)

It’s been a while since us valves delighted with at least one new game every year. Between the launch of Half Life in 1998 and dota 2 from 2013, the development team published many parts of famous series – including Portal, Left 4 Dead, Team Fortress, Counter-Strike and one or the other Half-Life sequel. In recent years, however, the number of titles has been significantly reduced. One of the highlights was last Half Life: Alyx for VR headsets.

New Valve games on the way

An interview with Greg Coomer from Valve is now a small glimmer of hope for fans that we might have a few more in the future more games get from the team. This is how they should be up to date many projects in development, like Greg Coomer opposite the Website Famitsu approved. The person responsible for Valve has not yet revealed which games are involved. However, further plans are in Half-Life Universe been indicated here.

Also in the focus of Greg Coomer is the Portal Series. “I don’t have anything to announce at the moment, but I want to do another portal one day.” it says in the interview. In his opinion, the Portal Universe deserves to be explored further. It wasn’t until the worldwide launch of the Steam Deck that Aperture desk job released a title set in the world of the popular puzzle shooter.