Inscope enlightens fans: “I’m in a depression”

Inscope Depression

on the YouTube-Channels of Inscope it has become quiet. After he often Vacation and shot vlogs there, uploads to his channel are becoming increasingly irregular and rare. In his latest video, he hits you more serious tone and tells his fans how he is really doing at the moment.

Inscope: “What’s the matter with me”?

Never at a loss for a joke, Nico always provides for in his videos good mood. The videos on his channel are full of self-mockery and jokes. However, his latest video has a more serious topic that clearly takes the YouTuber with it.

Many of his fans noticed that the YouTuber was always with a wide variety of people on holiday is. His uploads are very irregular become. And while you might think he’s having the time of his life, he doesn’t seem genuinely happy.

The vacations that Inscope has been on have him going through a tough time feelings of happiness to let feel. He always wanted these feelings back and therefore often traveled abroad. Still, he was fine never better in the long run and so he sought help.

Nico explains that he’s been “on one for months depression“ suffers. This is coupled with obsessions. The 27-year-old does not want to go into more detail on this topic, as it visibly uncomfortable is. It was still important to him to enlighten his viewers. He is located in treatment and hopes for a speedy improvement in his condition.

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Depressions? You’re not alone!

Depression is one insidious disease. Nobody can look at a person from the outside. Anyone who suffers from depression is not only sad all the time, but has good days too. Depression can also be associated with other mental illnesses such as obsessions or anxiety accompanied.

Important: If you have problems, are depressed or are thinking about suicide, you can contact the counseling service free of charge on 0800 111 0 111 or 0800 -111 0 222. There you will receive professional help and advice.

If you cannot talk about your problems and are still looking for help, the advice of the telephone pastoral care is also available via email possible.
Children and young people can also call the number against grief from Monday to Saturday between 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. at any time. The number is 116 111.