Pokémon Go: Mega Aggron Counter Guide – Melt the Mega Mon!

Pokémon Go: Mega Aggron Counter Guide - Melt the Mega Mon!

With our Pokemon Go Agile Counter Guide we have already foreseen it and advised you to play a good Stallos – because now the time has come! Mega Aggron makes its debut in Pokémon Go’s Mega Raids, and you can finally collect Mega Energy to evolve the Pokémon into its even bigger and more powerful form! Check out our Mega Aggression Counter Guide for tips on putting the Mon in its place!

Mega Aggron as a raid boss

While Aged is still a Steel and Rock type, Mega Aged is only a Steel type. So it’s still vulnerable to Combat (boosted in overcast weather) and Ground (boosted in sun and clear skies) types. You can definitely count on these types when choosing your attacking Pokémon. It also now has a weakness to attackers with Fire-type attacks (boosted in sun and clear skies). So you should definitely check the weather conditions in the Pokémon Go app on the top right corner of the map.

Mega Aggron weighs in at a whopping 46,233 CP and has a very high defense stat. So if you want to bring down the Steel Monster, you should definitely team up with a few other trainers. Even if the competition points don’t sound like much, the defense value shows itself to be steadfast. Maybe one or the other player has noticed that with the different forms of Deoxys, what the status values ​​​​in Raid Pokémon can do. Below is a list of the best counters to Mega Aglets.

  • terracotta with double kick and sancto blade
  • Crypto Machamp with counter and balancing punch
  • Mega Charizard Y with fire wheel and tan cannonade
  • Mega Charizard X with fire wheel and tan cannonade
  • Lucario with counter and aura sphere
  • Crypto Entei with Fire Tooth and Heat Fever
  • Crypto Hariyama with counter and balancing punch
  • Mega Dogemon with Fire Tooth and Flamethrower
  • Reshiram with Fire Tooth and Heat Fever
  • Mega Simsala with counter and focus push
  • Crypto Ho-Oh with cremation and purifying fire
  • Mostagrif with counter and balancing punch
  • mega slacker with foot kick and focus kick
  • mahomey with counter and balancing punch
  • Stalobor with clay clamp and earthquake
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